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Color "by Class", Color by Attributes Palette --- and --- Data Visualisation into lines and Fill

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I understand that dealing with the colour attributes of "PEN" and "Fill" for different components can be a challenging and time-consuming task to fully grasp, and I'm a bit lost in this process.

Point 1: "By Class" Color Attributes and Use of Attribute Palette:

When creating 2D symbols, I initially assigned the "by Class" colour to each of them (see image).

However, I'd like to emphasize the need to be able to change colours using the attribute palette when necessary.

Today, for example, I wanted all symbols to be changed to black, and changing it only in the Attribute Palette didn't take effect.

Unfortunately, this required me to individually enter each symbol to modify the color by editing the 2D symbol (see image).

How can I achieve this more efficiently, ensuring that:

  • If I select "by Class" in the palette attributes, the color assigned by the class is maintained.
  • If I choose to use the project's attribute palette with another color, the symbols are updated to reflect that choice?


Point 2: PDF Printing with Data Visualizer:

I organized my project to make it easier to recognize during execution:

Class of the building blueprint: Gray

Class of the electrical outlets project: Cyan Blue

Class of structural lighting: Orange.

However, when it comes to printing the final project in PDF, I set up a Data Visualizer by class.(see image).

Building Plan Class: Gray
Electrical Outlets Project Class: Black
Structural Lighting Class: Black

I activated the Data Visualizer on the respective plots of the corresponding sheets:
Lighting Sheet: Building Class + Lighting Class
Outlets Sheet: Building Class + Outlets Class

Unfortunately, the result was not as expected, as all coloured layers remained coloured.
Where did I make a mistake?

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