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Marionette to Tool Giving me error.


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Hiya, I have made a callout tool using the marionette feature in Vectorworks, and running that as a wrapped network does what I want it to, as well as converting it to a node object.

But when I convert it to python script, and then copy and paste it as the script for a PIO, it gives me an error when I try to place it on the design layer.



Error: Invalid number of parameters to the callback function. : index = 1 name=p

File "<string>", line 11202, in <module>

File "<string>", line 10552, in RunNode

File "<string>", line 6417, in RunNode

File "<string>", line 1, in <module>


I don't know anything about python or vectorscript, and I've just taught myself the marionette in the last day or two, so I'm very fresh and looking for help.

I have attached the python script and the marionette.


Anyway thanks for reading I'm happy to hear any help.



GPO Callout Script V01.txt GPO Callout test.vwx

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Hey Pat,


I couldn't really get the marionette to work for me, other than converting to object node and saving as a symbol, but that didn't feel like a great solution to me and I couldn't get as far as I wanted to anyway.


But hey, it lead me to learning to code for the first time and I've almost recreated it in vectorscript!



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