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webconsole + download resource script (mtextur/bimobject inspiration)

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Hi again. 

I've been curious as to how the Mtextur plugin works (in the import menu). Currently it is not working for VW2024, however, im sure it will be fixed. 

In the meantime, While the Mtextur plugin only works with textures, is it possible to do the same with any other VW objects from a remote website? namely materials, symbols, and other objects?

I've recently discovered the ShowwebDLg script command....and am very interested in taking advantage of it. However, whenever I access a website, I cannot download any files into VW (naturally).


What would need to be done in order to do so?


Note: i've noticed mtextur uses zipped files with text files for potential database fields. Can this be implimented so that a texture can be imported as a material with fields extracted from the text file? that would certainly be awesome

Edited by Samuel Derenboim
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