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Filter node remaining objects

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I'm looking for a way to filter objects, it may be a simple question but I'm new to marionettes.


Im creating an urban city map for my firm with streets, greenery, buildings etc. The base file for all these parts I download from a database, where they give every part its own name (like: import_streets). I have set up a network which converts these imported objects in a layer from one class to another in the document template my firm uses (so they have the right attributes). Greenery becomes green and roads become grey etc. This goes well, but there are a bunch of objects in the imported file I'd rather delete from the layer im working on. Excess objects like contour lines and region indicating polygons.


How do I set up my marionette network so I can filter these specific objects and delete them? I have messed around with the filter node but I'm not quite clear on how it works exactly. I also dont want to delete the classes in case I need them, just in that specific layer I'd like the objects to be gone. Is it possible to input all the objects in the layer into the filter node and make it so it excludes all the objects I want to keep in the layer?

Screenshot 2023-06-27 114932.png

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