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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I have my own commercial license since 2019. For now its Vectorworks Landmark 2023, in the meantime in October 2022 I've become an Vectorworks teacher on University of Agriculture and I was teaching my students using my commercial license. Now I have received their final projects and i cannot open it. So I have registered myself again as an university teacher for educational version. My question is how to change license key between commercial and educational license? The only window where I can type another SN is an upgrade SP window.... Please help, its URGENT
  2. ConnectCAD in Vectorworks 2023 promises a new contextual command to Find objects in a report. https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2023/eng/VW2023_Guide/ConnectCAD/Creating_ConnectCAD_reports.htm#h1 Is this feature exclusive to ConnectCAD objects only? I can see this as a really useful feature for all types of reported objects in Vectorworks. Attempted to use command on door schedule, doesn't appear for door objects.
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