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Found 5 results

  1. A Bug in the z values??? Working in v2025 sp2 with contour shapefiles collected from the NOAA Data Viewer. xy values are fine. The shapefiles geolocate proprely in geoimage, and contour separation makes sense. In previous vwx versions, the z values of contours matched the data tab record value. A shp file imported into v2024 shows contours at correct z. Same file imported into v2025 produces greatly exaggerated contour z values, although, the data tab elevation values are correct. In vwx2025, the OIP z values are incorrect. OIP Data tab for any contour shows expected elevation value. But z value in Shape tab shows a value which is too great by a factor of 304.8 (which is the conversion factor for ft>mm). A shallow valley becomes a treacherous chasm! This can be corrected after import. eg group the contours and rescale in side view with guide loci. But this is fraught with error potential and should not be needed. I tried Modify by Record including editing the record format, eg changing Elevation>Number to Integer, or Number from General to Decimal. Also tried converting the 3d polys to 2d polys (they keep the record data), then Modify by Record>Elevate 2d Polys. But, no joy. Anyone else seeing this? I filed a bug via bugsubmit https://www3.vectorworks.net/vectorworks-bug-report Attached find my 2025vwx, a couple images and a zip collected from NOAA containing shape file folder including the shp, shx, db, etc. Or collect your own from the NOAA Data Viewer website. -B NOAA shp Test.vwx wa2016_pslc_king_Job1081274.zip
  2. Attached zip contains 475kb folder with shapefile and associated files describing PLSS quarter section boundaries for Township 26 in King County, Washington, USA. File was acquired as download from the county GIS portal (free if you want to fetch for yourself). The .shp file does not load into my VWX2023. Strangely, this shp file loads properly into Qgis. I also have a folder with same named files acquired from same county data hub in 2020. Thatv shp file loads as expected into vwx2023. Newer shapefile import produces this error regarding the .shx support file. Note that the shx file is named twice - extension in caps and extension in lower case: CPLErr( 3 ), err_no( 4 ) Unable to open /Users/bensonshaw/Desktop/PLS QtrSec Twnshp26/Public_Land_Survey_Quarter_Sections_-_3_county_area___plss_qtr_area.shx or /Users/bensonshaw/Desktop/PLS QtrSec Twnshp26/Public_Land_Survey_Quarter_Sections_-_3_county_area___plss_qtr_area.SHX. Set SHAPE_RESTORE_SHX config option to YES to restore or create it. No clue how to make the suggested correction. Is this problem with my installation of vwx2023? MacOS 12.6 (Monterey)? the county data hub? Can anyone make it import to vwx2023? try v2022 or earlier? Here's the county GIS data standard: Projection: State Plane* Zone: 5601 (Washington State Plane North; FIPS Zone 4601) Datum: HPGN Units: feet *Technically, State Plane is a coordinate system, not a projection. Any comment appreciated -B PLS QtrSec Twnshp26.zip
  3. I imported shapefile contours from QGIS into vwx. Very happy with the nearly automatic georef process for this. Geometry came in as 2d polys with attached records in the OIP data tab. For the site model source contours, how does one convert the 2d polys to 3d with the z value assigned from the Elevation data field of the 2d poly? Thanks! -B
  4. Hi Team. In previous versions of Vectorworks Landmark the User Origin is recognised by the shapefile importer & exporter as the 0,0 point for GIS data. This allows shapefiles to be generated directly from drawings which have an offset User Origin through a previous CAD file import (eg. from a civil engineer or surveyor). You simply georeference the layer to the coordinate system of the received CAD file, and export. It also allows a shapefile imported into an existing drawing based on a previously imported CAD file to appear in the correct position, provided that the shapefile and the CAD file share the same coordinate system. In Vectorworks Landmark 2020 I've found so far that both the shapefile import and export functions ignore any User Origin settings, and handle GIS data relative to the Internal Origin only. This prevents a shapefile from being correctly exported from a drawing with an offset User Origin (through previous import of a surveyors CAD file), and results in shapefile data imported into drawings with an offset User Origin appearing at the wrong numerical coordinates within Vectorworks. Perhaps for technical reasons the introduction of the new Geolocate and Geoimage tools required this separation of GIS and CAD workflows, but it certainly seems like a step backwards in terms of CAD/GIS integration. I'd be interested to hear other's thoughts.
  5. We are trying to propose on a project that requires a fairly regulated interchange with certain GIS shapefile standards. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience exporting shapefiles (.shp) and if so, have you ever had to meet any standards? The requirements of our interchange are as follows: DIGITAL SUBMISSION STANDARDS: §The required format for digital submissions of the graphic data is an ESRI v10.4.1 shapefile or Geodatabase (personal or file) §Must be projected in NAD 83 CA State Plane V §Must contain FDGC and City compliant metadata (See section 08 for Metadata template) §Documentation on any MXDs or Domains created§Should be topologically correct against City data §Provide validation documentation (topologies, data quality checks)
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