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Found 5 results

  1. I find myself regularly looking for better and smarter rich text in Vectorworks. As of 2022, you still cannot have rich bullets or rich formatting with the text tool (among other flaws). I'm collecting as many rich text requests and wishlist items as possible here. There are a lot of individual requests for this stuff but it's part of a greater whole indicating how badly the way text functions in VWX needs an overhaul. If you read any of my stuff on the forums, it's clear I come from the creative suite world where there are much much better tools for this. But hey! Even this forum has better text capabilities 🤪 Places where we want to see rich text and better formatting options: Text tool Callouts Project data and sheet data Records Anywhere else? Here's me asking about rich text in callouts: Here's someone else asking about rich text in callouts: Here's another person asking about the same thing: And another: Here's me asking about rich text in sheet data, which also talks about lack of rich text using the text tool. Here's someone asking about better formatting options in 2016: Here's someone asking for Bullets in 2016: Here's someone else asking for them in 2013: And in 2012: Here's a really comprehensive request for rich text tools and formatting in 2011: There's a lot of good stuff in there in addition to formatting stuff. Good to read it through. And here it is again in 2010:
  2. Is it possible to use conditional formatting on worksheets? Example 1: If a cell in a line meets a certain criteria I want the line to be highlighted blue Example 2: If a Boolean value is true, I want the text to be bold Example 3: If a record format number value exceeds a specific set amount, it is highlighted in red
  3. There's an ALL CAPS in Text-->Capitalization that allows to have upper case text, but it doesn't seem to apply to a text-style. Not sure if it's even possible. For example, I want the text in my drawing labels to be all upper case. I've created a text style (knowing there ins't a way to apply the uppercase there), and have called it "Text-Titles" and have it applied to the text in my drawing label layout. If I UPPER CASE the reference text (using the dropdown), it doesn't effect the output text: You'd think this would work: But no dice there either. Here's someone else asking about it: Workaround being to all caps your text elsewhere and then bring it back into Vectorworks... any other ideas? If I remember correctly, you used to be able to do this in VWX 2020 (before the redo of Drawing Labels).
  4. The red squares are where I'm looking and it's alright if there's no actual fix for what I'm going to ask. The ones I've pointed out look significantly different than the rest. Is there a way to change that or is that just how they're going to look in the paperwork? I've tried changing line weights and things and everything is set to just have a black outline, but so far, nothing I've really tried has worked. Thanks in advance!
  5. Is it possible to format text within a call out box, eg have some words in "bold red" and others in "regular black" ?
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