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C. Andrew Dunning

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Posts posted by C. Andrew Dunning

  1. "the boss only wanted to use a single layer and no classes. The two arguments that helped change that case where 1. Why only use less than 1/2 the capabilities of a program you have paid for, and 2. That is not the way VW is used. If you try to get tech support, they will tell you you are using the program wrong and to do it the other way."

    Pat -

    I am one of those people who really prefers to work on a single Design Layer - and to use a plethora of Classes (I'm not sure I get the "no classes part.). For me, that IS the way that VW is used. I don't see that as being "right" or "wrong" - just the way I work. My thinking:

    1) Light sources don't work across layers. (At least, they haven't in the past.) By using a single layer I don't have to create Layer Links to create rendered scenes.

    2) I don't have to use "Align Layer Views" or the like to view all of the model geometry from the same direction and perspective. IMO, that extra step should be unnecessary.

    FWIW, I don't work on multi-story building drawings and ViewPorts handle whatever scale variations I may need for things like details. Also, w. Saved Views and the tree structure potential in Class naming make handling even hundreds of Classes incredibly easy.

  2. Nigel -

    The stock curtain won't do it. Give the files I have posted at www.landrudesign.com/LandruCurtain.zip a try.

    To use, copy both files into your Plug-Ins folder. Add "Curtain From..." to your WorkSpace. (It is a menu item.) Draw an arc representing your curtain. W. it selected, run "Curtain From..." Your arc will be turned into a curtain PIO w. adjustable parameters.

    Let me know how this works for you...

  3. Greetings from Music City!

    We are pleased to announce the release of VideoScreen 2.2 - the Plug-In that makes working with Video Devices in VectorWorks incredibly easy.

    2.2 Highlights include:

    - A ?Coverage Zone? feature has been added to aide users in the sizing and placing of screens.

    - Models (including appropriate aspect calculation modifications) have been added for projectors on their sides.

    - More stock lenses have been added to the projector lens list - along with a custom lens feature that allows users to input specific lenses that may not be on the list.

    - The projector placement calculations have been improved to compensate for projector height relative to screen height. Part of this is an ?alarm? that is triggered if a user tries to place a projector higher than is possible to get a given image size.

    - A few new stock screen images have been added, including color bars.

    - The VideoScreen Floor feature was updated to allow screens and projector stands to have different settings.

    - A few minor bugs have been fixed.

    This is a FREE upgrade for current users. For those of you who are not current users, but who would like more information, visit http://www.landrudesign.com/VWPlugIns.htm.

    Regards -

  4. The Working Planes tool only works in the 3D Top View - not in Top/Plan.

    This has been discussed several times (NNA, taking notes?) in the Wish List section of this forum. What you're wanting to do isn't doable in Top/Plan. Until it is, your best work-around is the Alternate Coordinate system.

  5. Greetings...

    I am having a problem with Hidden Line rendering losing lines. The problem shows itself where the vertical face of an extrusion meets a horizontal surface and where the vertical face extends beyond the horizontal.

    This is an example of things "broken:"


    This is the same drawing with lines added in manually:


    Is there a fix for this?


  6. Daniel -

    Your question is not all that different from the question of how to have 3D ladders/booms and yet have legible 2D plots - regardles of the Vision connection.

    For that question, I have 3D-only symbols that are not linked to any lighting data. I then have 2D-only symbols that make that info legible and trackable for my paperwork. In a similar way, could you not have 2D-only symbols that are not bound at all to the Vision models - and 3D-only symbols that are?


  7. Hmmm...

    Not sure what to tell you. Those are the daily working files from my computers and all is working @ my end.

    A few thoughts:

    - Have you tried restarting VW since installing the files? If not, do that and see if things work.

    - Are BOTH files in your Plug-Ins folder? Though you shouldn't add "LandruCurtain" to the Workspace, "Curtain From..." uses that file. (I know you said you followed my directions closely. I'm just double-checking...)

    - At what scale is your active layer?

    - After you've clicked the menu item, is the original geometry still selected? If so, what is the type/name shown @ the top of the OI box?

    One note: The script will only work on lines and arcs. I'd love to add polyline functionality, but that is beyond me for the time-being.

    If you DO get things to work, a few things to check out:

    - Images applied to the curtain will match its width (for creating drops). The image scaling and positioning can also be adjusted.

    - Curtain geometry can be adjusted - including pleat depth. pleat segment length, and curtain height. You can also "flip" the pleat direction.

    - A "Simple" version toggle for both 3D and 2D.

    - A "Border" toggle for creating truss borders. Includes mitering options so that borders that wrap trusses and other objects will "connect" in 2D and draw correctly in 3D.

  8. Alok -

    Give www.landrudesign.com/LandruCurvedCurtain.zip a try.

    To use, copy both files in the Zip file into your Plug-Ins folder. Add "Curtain From..." to your Workspace. Create an arc and, with the arc selected, run "Curtain From..." The script will create an object called "LandruCurtain 1.0," which will have a few OIP-adjustable parameters.

    Though the tool might be a bit rough, I've found it to work quite well for doing things like you describe. It also works with straight lines.

    Regards -

  9. Make the following into a menu item and asign a hot key to it. I think the source was a collection of toggles someone posted a few years ago.

    Procedure TogglePref;





    PrefID := 35;

    PrefStatus := GetPref(PrefID);

    SetPref(PrefID, NOT PrefStatus);

    Layer(GetLName(ActLayer)); {succeeds where ReDrawAll fails ****}



  10. Mickey -

    Not a bug. They're not supposed to print or render (when exporting).

    FWIW, another CADD package had what were called "Standard Points." They were class-less/layer-less and had their own visibility toggles. I missed that approach and approximate it by creating a class called "Loci" and a toggle script to control its visibility. That class is set to use a given color for objects created in it. Assuming I remember to put all of my loci in that class, all works well.

    A possible wish-list item here?

  11. Jonathan -

    You're right... I should have thought (and read) a bit more carefully before I typed. The blocks themselves DO live on the Sheet Layers. It's some of the content that I VP in. And that's for the legend/key only...not the title block...

    - Andy

  12. Understood...

    The approach that I take is to create a VP just for the key/legend items. That VP's scale is then set to match that of the main VP whose symbols it is "explaining." I have a script or 2 that automate this somewhat...

  13. ...don't some data entry points...have both a slider and a numeric input.


    Some may, but many just have the slider. See, for example the many texture settings when defining things like reflectivity. Just a slider w. no aparent numeric value. Makes copying values from one texture to another a little interseting, sometimes...

  14. Pat -

    I'd agree w. your first wish. I have a current project that includes both "wash" and "gobo" sources. w. the current approach, either the "wash" beams look right and the "gobo" beams are blown out - or the gobos look right and the others have no beams.

    As to your second comment, I really prefer actual numbers. The difference between things working and not is .0001. I don't know that a slider would have shown that. Also, knowing an actual number allows me to try specific settings in multiple drawings - instead of "the slider postion just under the "E" in the text above...

  15. I know that this has been mentioned many times before but it bears repeating: We need a kwy (or combination of keys) to stop processes, like rendering, THAT ACTUALLY WORKS.

    I'm in the middle of a project for which rendering certain views takes several minutes. Not being able to stop rendering in order to fix something is a huge waste of time...

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