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C. Andrew Dunning

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Posts posted by C. Andrew Dunning

  1. 12 hours ago, Cristiano Alves said:


    Does anyone have a better idea on how to achieve this arrangement?

    Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



    1. Your general panel-placement approach looks good.
    2. If you upgrade to 2025 or buy a license to the Landru Design version of the video tools (https://www.landrudesign.com/VWPlugIns.htm) you'll see a "miter" option that will allow the panels to "connect" closer on convex curves.
    3. Holders of licenses of the Landru Design version of the tools also have access to a Command called "VideoTile" that automates image mapping across multiple panels.  The Command is pretty rudimentary and does have limits but can be a HUGE time-saver.


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  2. On 12/16/2024 at 4:06 PM, C. Andrew Dunning said:

    Regarding the the chord snapping/attaching (& unattaching), parameter enabling, and trim issues, as I said in a previous post, we're working on addressing that and a fix will be out soon.


    For users of the Landru Design version of this tool...earlier this week we posted a build that fixes this...


    • Like 1
  3. 20 hours ago, Jaspirac said:


    The TV monitor dropdown is gone. Inserting a TV or even clicking the tool icon is giving me "symbol invalid" error loops nor it is not allowing me to apply screen textures or edit the monitors in any way when it does create one. It does seem possible to drag and drop a monitor from the resource library- but again, it is uneditable. Something is changed and not for the better.


    What is your O.S.?  What VW build are you running?  Is your installation 100% stock?


  4. Here is a file containing a copy of your Symbol that works with the Video Tools.


    There were several problems with your Symbol:  not hybrid, oriented incorrectly, Record not attached, and data fields blank.  See the manual fond here: https://www.landrudesign.com/VWPlugIns.htm for more information on creating Symbols to work with the tools.


    3 hours ago, PhotonBrother said:

    is Video Screen 4 a plugin you have or just what Vectorworks' built in tool is now?


    The VS4 tools are "stand-alone" versions of the tools included with Spotlight.  Depending on the version of VW being run, the feature sets might be nearly identical or the Landru Design versions might contain multiple additional features.


  5. The 2 TV Symbols in the file you posted work just fine.


    The error messages you are getting indicate The Television tool finding Symbols that have bad data.  This is usually caused by either custom Symbols with incorrect data in the various Record fields or VW seeing Resource files that are the incorrect version (like 2025 seeing 2024 files).  So...you'll want to double-check that the files in "...Libraries\Defaults\Video Screen\Casings Flat 16-9" are, indeed, 2025 files and that any custom Symbols in files in that folder have correct dimensions and such.


    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, The Cantor said:

    I was able to create what I needed in 2024 and then open that file in 2025, and then copy and paste into my 2025 file. Yes, I closed VW 2025 and re-opened, and still unable to create a tv that I needed.


    Would you post a copy of a file containing a copy of the TV Symbol you're trying to use?


  7. 12 hours ago, Matthieu Meriaux said:

    Is there a way to change the genie ST25 in the stagelift builtin tool ? 


    It depends on what you mean by "change."  The overall structure is hard-coded but you can change things like mast height and 3D colors/textures.


    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Thomas_ said:

    I swear I must be missing something obvious, is there a way to show a speaker dispersion 3D angle/hatch on a single viewport on a sheet layer?  It seems that I can only tell it across all viewports to either have it enabled or not, as it doesn't seem to be on a separate class from the speaker?  I have managed to get this done in 2D by editing the 2D object, selecting the dispersion and reclassing it, but in I can't seem to edit the 3D representation to be able to do the same thing there?  Thanks!


    Have you tried clicking the "Classes..." (or, in the Landru Design version, "Parts Classes...") in the OIP and defining Class assignments for the different speaker model parts?  That will let you turn off/on visibilities for different parts in different ViewPorts and Saved Views.




    17 hours ago, Ryan Seybert said:

    When can we expect this issue to be resolved?


    You're actually asking multiple questions:


    Regarding the the chord snapping/attaching (& unattaching), parameter enabling, and trim issues, as I said in a previous post, we're working on addressing that and a fix will be out soon.


    As to the Curtain/Truss Border option question, the "Truss Border" option affects how the geometry is created.


    In 2D, for the former, the geometry "follows" the reference/path geometry"  For the latter, the geometry is automatically offset from the reference/path geometry. See below:


    In 3D, for the former, the geometry hangs "straight down."  For the latter, the bottom geometry is "kicked out" so that the curtain geometry does not collide with the truss.  See below:




    So, a full-height curtain hanging off of the top chord of a truss is, in terms of the tool, actually a "tall" truss border.  The 2D geometry clearly illustrates the "real-world" intent and the 3D geometry does not run into the truss.  This automates the process with both straight and curved instances (actually, eliminating several problems...to use your language).  If using the the Truss Border option bothers you, once the fix is out, simply place a SG object in "Curtain" mode and drag it out from the truss (and, make suitable adjustments for curved instances).



  10. I'm not 100% sure what you're asking.


    I have 16 tools and have sold 1900+ licenses (in addition to licensing my tools "back" to The Mothership).  To do my development, I really only need 1 VW license.  That being said, I've kept my license current so I actually do testing in at least 5 VW versions.  The Landru Design versions of the tools are all in English only.  The VW-licensed versions are localized.


    The Partner program has been a great path to leading users to my tools.  Apart from that has been the value of the relationship w. The Mothership.



    • Like 1
  11. We're working on addressing the snapping/attaching (& unattaching), parameter enabling, and trim issues.  If you happen to be a user of the Landru Design version of Soft Goods (SoftGoods 2) and are interested in helping with a little testing, would you drop me a DM or e-mail?



  12. 2 hours ago, Iainy1961 said:

    @Mark Aceto  This crazy. I did as you suggested and opened a new file. No problem at all. Perfect. But when I copy it into my doc, I cannot manipulate it at all. Is there a setting I changed unintentionally to cause this? I have posted the two OIP windows, the one greyed out is my plot. 

    Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 05.44.20.png

    Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 05.44.34.png


    This is a separate thing from the Texture/image.  Those parameters will be disabled when the SG object is attached to a Rigging object.  Adjusting how this works IS on the punch list.


  13. 1 hour ago, Iainy1961 said:

    I have been trying to add the last curtain into my plot. It refuses to do anything but default to the VW logo. All the rest of the soft goods are fine. I don't know wether I have changed a setting or what. I am at a loss. The custom 3D panel is stuck in the VW logo.


    Might you be able to post a file containing the problem child?

    • Like 1
  14. On 11/8/2024 at 4:03 AM, alex92 said:

    I have discovered an issue with the Soft Goods plug-in. It seems that the number of drapes in the Pipe and Drape mode is not being calculated correctly...


    As @markdd implied...


    The tool makes the assumption that "sleeve" style pipe-and-drape configurations are used - meaning, drape panels don't "bridge over" uprights.  So, knowing that, the calculations are correct.  I fully acknowledge that the tool (as-is) doesn't match your actual application (and, you're is not the first) but I had to use the "most usual" convention with the tool.  That's one of the challenges/limitations of using/developing PIOs: the developer can do the best he/she can to fill the "most usual" need but it is almost impossible to fill 100% of the needs/applications.


    That being said, this is now on the "future feature" list...


    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Wesley Burrows said:

    You just need to update the prec_0 both places to however many decimals you want.  Turns out you have to apply it to both variables.


    Thank you!


    The syntax seems odd but your solution does work!

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Cristiano Alves said:

    UP on this topic


    I'm still having issues with the offset between the bumper and speakers. The alignment of the speakers changes slightly when I adjust the angles, and the more I increase the angle, the worse the alignment becomes.


    Would you double-check the construction of the Symbols - 2D and 3D portions?  And, would you double-check the dimensions that are in the Record attached to the Symbol definitions?  For example, the Insertion Point MUST be at the center of the bottom front face of the speaker.  The issues in the screen-grabs you posted are usually the result of Symbols being constructed incorrectly and/or bad data.


    See the manual here https://www.landrudesign.com/AudioToolSet.htm for more info.


  17. Good morning!

    Given the following equation, what is the syntax to control the displayed precision?  Everything I have tried either a) has no effect or b) displays additional text instead of performing a mathematical function.  I have gone back-and-forth through old posts, here, to no avail.






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