We are small architect company who are in a similar situation as have used Sketch up for a number of years to produce quick models that we export as favoured scenes and export to photoshop to be rendered manually.
We don't get too deep into the modelling as leave the detail to be added on PS as an image. That said we have VW 2018 for all 2d bread & butter drawing work, and are aware we are probably missing a trick and should use VW for model building to get our money's worth form the licence fee we pay, and could get a much better model as a result. Having read the interesting discussion above, I can see it's not as simple as I'd hoped!
It seems we have to go back to stage zero and learn how to build the most basic 3d models (which I'm trying to do right now, hence this post) in VW.
Unfortunately due to the pressures of work, I need a quick result and have quickly hit a wall in VW as I don't recognise the commands or tools compared with Sketch up. Extrude is about all i can use and have made a couple of wire frame boxes for my building but cant even manage to put a pitched roof on it never mind what I'd like to do!
Is there any nice, simple video on how to build a basic house form on VW 2018 fundamentals? You know, simple pitched roofs, blocks, floors, etc.? If we can get this in hand, I may then understand more of the tech jargon mentioned above!
Any suggestions / help welcomed!