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    Charlottesville, VA 22903
  1. If you include a simple a VectorScript to the action, you may at least get the import dialog. VW is not particularly AppleScriptable, but it knows one word of AppleScript: Do Script. A Folder Action? Maybe. I run a lot of my generic utilites from FileMaker Pro with this overall approach. However, one has never been able to "Open" a DWG-file with VW. In 12.0 it wasn't that I could "open" a dwg, but with the automator action that I wrote, I could automatically import a dwg into an untitled window from finder window. This was particularly convenient. I am definitely interested in what you suggest, but I have never worked with vectorscript and my apple script experience is mostly simple modifications to existing programs. I'll give anything a try though. Thanks for the help.
  2. In VW 12.0 I had setup a simple automator action that allowed import of a dwg very easily. I could select a dwg file in the Finder, right click on it to activation the context menu and then select my automator action. The automator (see attached file) then got the selected finder item and opened them with the specified version of VW. On opening the file, it imported it into the default template that I had. This does not seem to work with VW 2008. I have changed the target application in my automator action. Does anyone know why this is? Any suggestions on what to do? I don't have to use this method to open my dwg's, but something as easy and similar would be great.
  3. Nina or Sean, Did you have to buy VW12 to accomplish what you wanted to do? Thanks, Gerhard
  4. hi, i have a document with several "Saved Views". i would like to export that document to dwg or dxf and then have an autocad user be able to see these "Saved Views". is there a way to do this? thx, gerhard
  5. Can I also get additional borders if I buy the mechanical version of VW. Thanks, Gerhard
  6. Hi, I just started using the "Drawing Border" object in the "Drafting Tools.sta" of VW 11; I have the base version of VW. Is there a place to get additional varieties of Borders? I would like to find one that has a revisions block in it. Thanks, Gerhard
  7. Yes this is exactly the problem. Greg describes it well. I have experienced the same problem with Quicken Deluxe 2002. I think the root of the problem may have something to do with the version of CarbonLib that the computer has.
  8. I just performed the upgrade from VW 9.0.1 to VW 9.5. After I did so I started getting a flickering of the menu name of the last used menu command. I switched back to using VW 9.0.1 and the problem stopped happening. I am using MacOS 9.1, on an 300 MHz iBook with 160 MB RAM, virtual memory off and a 3 GB hard drive.
  9. This post is similiar to "Topic:?? "join" two polygons?" posted by RLKHydro on 11-09-2000 03:27 PM. The discussion there does not answer my question. I am a recent AutoCAD user. On AutoCAD there is a command called "pedit" that allows you to join lines (lines, arcs, etc) into a open or closed polygon. Is there a command/function in Vectorworks to do this? I need to form closed polygons because I design photomasks and the dxf files I create have to have only closed polygons in them. TIA-- Gerhard Schoenthal ------------------ GSS
  10. When I import smaller dwg (AutoCAD LT 98) files (? 25K) with multiple layers everything works fine and all the objects/symbols come thru in the appropriate layer with the appropriate colors. When I import larger dwg (AutoCAD LT 98) files (> 200K) with multiple layers all the objects/symbols come thru in the same (0 layer) layer. Is there a way to work around or fix this? Am I doing something wrong? ------------------ GSS
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