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David Poiron

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Everything posted by David Poiron

  1. It would be nice to be able to crop imported PDFs directly like you can with imported images.
  2. Using VW2008, I have a DTM with a few site modifier pads. Trouble is they are drawn in red and I cannot figure our how to change this. They even show up as red lines in renderings. I've tried changing attributes, class, and rendering to no avail. There must be a simple way to change this?
  3. Well, this code is magic! Here is the resulting code that seems to work. Any optimizations would be appreciated. code: If IsNewCustomObject(ObjectName) THEN BEGIN If IsVPGroupContainedObject(objectHand, 2) = TRUE THEN BEGIN layerScale:=GetObjectVariableReal(objectHand, 1003); END ELSE BEGIN layerScale:=getLScale(ActLayer); END END ELSE If IsVPGroupContainedObject(objectHand, 2) = TRUE THEN BEGIN layerScale:=GetObjectVariableReal(GetVPGroupParent(GetParent(objectHand)), 1003); END ELSE BEGIN layerScale:=getLScale(getLayer(ObjectHand)); END;[/code] Thanks.
  4. There does not seem to be a way to access the scale set for the viewport. Although this may not be the problem as I tried this on a 1:1 scale viewport and the problem still exists. NNA objects of a similar type (elevation markers, etc.) seem to work properly, so their code has some special magic! But of course we do not access this code, unless someone is listening?
  5. I have a few PIOs that I created for VW 9/10 that function properly in VW 11 and 12 except in viewport annotations. When in a viewport annotation and a parameter is changed, they redraw improperly. Should I be checking to see if the PIO is in an annotation, and if so, how would this be done? Is there a different origin that I should be aware of?
  6. I am trying to set the gradient fill angle of a wall, based on its rotation angle. I have found a number of vectorscript procedures that are for gradient fills, but do not know how to tie them together to determine the fill angle. Anyone know how this might be done?
  7. You can do this yourself! Just set up a page the way you like and save it as a Template. Then the next time you open a new document you can choose it from the list in the dialogue box.
  8. Does anyone think the ability to snap to the corners/centre of the page as useful? I would like to be able to precisely align objects to the corners or the centre of the page, and be able to grab the page using handles at the corners or centre using the move page tool.
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