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Kevin Shertz

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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  1. @GatRed That is not the intended 2025 behavior. The reason it is happening is that the room finishes for the space in 2024 do not have a key assigned to them. That's what the empty [] means. If you assign the Space finish in 2024 to have a key abbreviation, it will transfer correctly into 2025 with the finish being assigned to the first position. I will file a bug for this and include the file you provided. Thanks for letting us know!
  2. I would buy the most maxed-out Mini you can afford. You can always get more external storage, but RAM is forever. I ended up going with the new MacBook Pro Max for myself, but have heard nothing but great things about the Mini.
  3. Maybe you already tried this, but if you resize the overall palette to be very small vertically and then resize it to be very tall, does that fix the problem? Is the palette docked or undocked? If docked, you could try undocking it and doing what I described above.
  4. @Harpahei Template files are for the start of a new drawing and do not change existing drawings. You would need to bring the resources you want into the existing files for any changes to be updated.
  5. Sorry to have missed this question last week. Can you provide me with an image that shows how you would want the tag to appear?
  6. Duplicate the window you inserted in the Resource Browser. Right-click and select 'Edit' on the duplicate you created. You'll see the Window Style dialog. Click on the catalog button (highlighted in red) to open the catalog. Hope this helps.
  7. You're sorting in ascending order, and the dash takes precedence over the number. It is not ignoring the dash.
  8. @TomDK Your prefix of '-01-', etc. to the floor name is the culprit. It's sorting based on that prefix. Have you considered changing that? Otherwise another possibility would be to create 3 database rows, with each looking only on the floor you want it to display. You could then show the information in any order that you want. Hope this helps as a possible solution for you.
  9. My suggestion is, at best, a hack with a worksheet function not intended for that purpose. Don't let my employment at the company make you think that this suggestion is at all the official recommended workflow. It points to the future wishlist need for us to be able to color-code a cell background with the corresponding Data Viz color. I will investigate internally if that has already been submitted.
  10. No, I don't know of one, sorry. You can add a database formula column with =IMAGEBYDATAVIS('your data visualization name') which will put a line into a room finish legend that's the color of the Data Viz. You could then match that with a manual rectangle over the cell. Because that formula is looking for a symbol, and room finishes are not associated to a symbol, it has nothing to display, but at least gives you a color-coded line.
  11. The last supported version for 2021 on the Mac is macOS 12 (Monterey.) To my knowledge, an M3 can't run anything below macOS 13 Ventura. Here is a post that shows for both Mac and Windows compatibility for versions back to 2021.
  12. I have looked into this further, and if you use OBJECTDATA('component', 'name') and OBJECTDATA('component', 'function') -- not OBJECTDATA('component name') -- you will receive a consistent result. So if you are wanting to report multiple columns of data into a worksheet, make sure you're using that whole suite of function formulas consistently. I do not know if the reporting will reverse as the result of the bug I mentioned before, or if it will be left as-is because the suite reports consistently. From the Vectorworks Developer Reference: https://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php/Worksheet_Functions
  13. I am finding that using =OBJECTDATA('component', 'function') is actually reversing the function categories in a component list. See screenshots below. EDIT: I have logged this as a bug in our internal reporting system (VB-207819)
  14. Yes, a variation of that would be the ideal solution, but that does not currently exist (to my knowledge.)
  15. Your clarification is really helpful. Unfortunately, I do not know of a way to cleanly obtain what you're looking for. I did, however, find this prior thread where @Pat Stanford provides a script that might be of help: https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/64611-wall-type-schedule-to-display-component-function/ I will see if we have this request already in our wishlist system, and if it is not, I will add it as one.
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