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  1. Seems like this should be a basic and easy thing to do, but Vectorworks has me completly befuddled and confused. I use VWZ at work (a public high school) and also at home, using a different account. I am trying to use Cloud Services to keep all the files synchronized but no matter what I do, things get unsynchronized very quickly. I wind up with multiple versions of the same VWX and XML files at home and work with differing timestamps, and in both of my Cloud Services accounts (each on a separate Vectorworks Cloud Account one tied to my swchool email and another to my personal email. Even just keeping the files syncrohized between each computer and cloud services seems a mess. It's as though every time I open a file in Vectorworks, it randomly choose one of several different directories in which to open and save the files. I also don't quite understand the point in having a cloud services directory if I can't directly open and snd save all the files to that instead of locally. What obvious thing am I msising here? No n00b here, been using computers since the late 60s and online since the 70s, have extensive experience with Google Drive, Dropbox, Adobe Cloud, etc. It's just Vectorworks that seems out of whack and somehow different from all the other solutions I use. I'm not a big corporate user, I have just a handful of files. But as I routinely swtich between working on scenic and lighting designs both at work and at home, the inability to keep them in syncrhonization is driving me crazy (and has caused nto a few skipped heartbeats when I thought things were lost or overwritten by an older version.) Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi.
  2. A furhtwr update. I can open Vectorworks 2024 and it shows it is running 1.1. I then cloed the updated with task manager. Hopeful everything will run smoothly from here as I'm in the midst of an improtant project, but hopefully Vectorworks will address this issue quickly.
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