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Posts posted by SamIWas

  1. I have written a lot of Vectorscript. I'm no stranger to it, but this problem has gotten me exasperated! I must be missing something ridiculously simple, or my brain is just not functioning.

    Here's the idea...an object is selected. If it meets certain criteria, one thing is done. If it meets other criteria, something else is done. One of the things it should check is if the selected object is of a certain type (Lighting Device in Spotlight) and if it has a certain other record assigned to it (here, it's "Strut Info")

    I've written a hundred scripts it seems that can select an object based on those criteria, but now having it try to check if the object meets those criteria just isn't working. Here's the current section:

        if ((T='Lighting Device') & (R IN ['Strut Info'])) then begin
          strutname:=getrfield(h,'Strut Info','Name');
          SelectObj((R IN ['Strut Info']) & (S='Strut') & ('Strut Info'.'Name'=strutname));

    I get errors with it saying for the "T" and the "R" that "identifier is not declared". Well, of course it's not. In this case, "T" is type of object and "R" is Record. It's a criteria. Apparently this does not work in an If/Then statement. Other than that one line, the script compiles.

    The object is selected. I do have a handle to the object in the script..I apparently just don't know how to apply the handle towards an "IF". What am I missing? What simple thing is wrong here?

  2. I have been having the same problem, and just do not get it. All this talk of crop objects and making sure objects are visible and whatnot...

    What happened to the simple double-click and be able to drag some points?? It took 5 seconds to resize a viewport previously (2008) to include more space. I have tried everything suggested above, and simply cannot figure out how to resize my viewports short of rebuilding all of them.

    EDIT: Weird...made a new viewport, and it works...but the old ones I can't edit. It seems you now have to do it just right to make them work.

  3. Hello,

    Hopefully I am doing something wrong with how this process used to work. Now, in 2008, it does not seem to. I am trying to create symbols which have a record format automatically built in.

    Previously, I did this by building all the elements to the symbol, assigning all of those elements the record format with the correct info in each field, then selecting "Create Symbol". The symbol would be created with the record format and all the correct info in each field already there, so that any time I inserted the symbol into a drawing, the info was there.

    Now when I follow this same procedure in 2008, the record formats do not attach, and I have to go to each symbol inserted and activate the record and enter the field info. When inserting hundreds of symbols onto a drawing, this is very time-consuming, for something which used to be automatic.

    Is there something I am missing?? Please help!

  4. Hello all...

    I'm pretty sure I'm chasing after a lost cause here. I tried doing a search of past topis and didn't find a definitive answer, but here we go...

    Is there a way to have a record format attached to a symbol control values for a symbol within that symbol.

    For instace, I have a bunch of lighting instruments that each have a little thing denoting circuit and dimmer number in two different shapes for easy reading.

    Every now and then, I'd like to make those shapes or the numbers look a little different. This requires going into each and every lighting symbol and changing the look. What I'd like to have is another symbol which is just the circuit/dimmer symbol as part of the lighting symbol.

    This is great, except for the fact that updating a record format on the lighting symbol won't do anything to the circuit symbol as desired.

    Am I making any sense here? Any help would be appreciated!!

    [smile] Sam

  5. Raymond,

    THANK YOU! That was exactly what was needed. The stacking order doesn't matter at all to me, as I don't think I ever have two lights on top of each other.

    I didn't realize that it was ordering things based on their stacking level, rather than the time in which they were placed into the document (usually the same, but things get moved around).

    This works perfectly now, and I can easily take the code from here and modify it for right to left, up to down, etc.

    You have saved me hours per week!

  6. Hi all,

    I have been trying to create a script which will take a selection and insert a range of numbers into a record field based on the number of items in the selection. This is so I can more quickly number units on a lighting pipe from one end to the other.

    I have gotten the script to work perfectly except for one problem. It always numbers the units in the order in which they were added to the drawing. I want the script to number them from left to right, right to left, bottom to top...whatever.

    Here is a copy of the script:


    PROCEDURE RenumberLR;


    h : HANDLE;

    unitbase : INTEGER;

    unitnum : DYNARRAY[] of CHAR;


    unitbase:= 1;

    h:= FSActLayer;


    unitnum := Num2Str(0,unitbase);


    h:= NextSObj(h);

    unitbase:= unitbase+1;




    Can anyone suggest a script line that may help select the units in a visual order rather than time order?


    [ 12-11-2004, 03:03 PM: Message edited by: SamIWas ]

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