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Posts posted by Vitute

  1. On 10/12/2012 at 5:55 PM, Dieter @ DWorks said:

    You can use a design layer viewport with the option and then you will have colored annotations in the sheet layer viewport.

    Do I understand correctly? - design layer viewport - viewport on a design layer (DL)?

    Is this really the right approach? - I created new empty DL and then viewport on it. Made it black and white. Then I created viewport on sheet layer using crop of that DL viewport. So then I can add annotation in color in sheet layer. 🤪 image.thumb.png.5a406d5fd368a88edb7979eb089fb80c.pngimage.png.1c71d9829e027d6d7af6bb6f61351256.png


  2. On 7/3/2024 at 7:33 PM, Josh Loy said:

    Does switching to a different application and then back or wheel zooming help?  Can you consistently reproduce the issue?


    Thanks, closing VW was only option 🙂 It was issue of my student. I could recreate situation: while using call out tool simply move course, without exiting tool, but I still could exit it, there were no issues for me. Probably it was random issue. I recommended to update autosave settings.

  3. On 6/20/2024 at 8:12 PM, BartHays said:



    VGX files shared via the VW Cloud seem to work fairly well but the graphics or pretty poor. Also, I have found that the navigation is a bit clunky too, it is easy for novices to get lost in the 3D space.



    In contrary, I found it very easy 🙂 Use not only left mouse button, but also the right and of course scroll wheel to zoom.

  4. Hi,

    when I had educational VW version, I used landmark workspace and I was able to use 2D plants from visualization library.

    Recently I purchased Landmark VW license and I can not find any such 2D plants. Library is refreshed. Should it be so? 







  5. Hi,

    in a couple of VW documents I cannot find how to turn on to see horizon (land and sky) in 3D view. At the same time I have open onother vw file, horizon and sky are visible, pictures below. I searched for differences in the documents preferences, shaded options, even VW preferences, interactive preferences etc. which are of course not document specific as I am goind crazy....🤪 Help! 🙂 Where can I miss a check mark or something else...? 




  6. Hi, Retaining Edge Modifier is still a bit of a mistery. If you do not follow the excat steps you are messed up e.g. not pushing sent to surface in the settings while creating it BUT, sent to surface only after it's created... etc... - OK, knowing that it works fine. HOWEVER, why using sent to surface - fit the retaining edge command, terain is still slightly changed? I would expect it should follow (fit) the terain, not change it. 

    In the pictures below, pad is set to 400cm, retaining edge - sent to suface - fit retaining edge. In blue - proposed, green - existing.



  7. I can not find a reason why in one document snapping to contour elevation mode stopped working, elevation is grabbed from pad elev. value next to modes. At the same time it perfectly works in another file. I can not find info in VW help. I can not find difference in Site model or site modifiers seetings between those two files. Over all snapping is on, grade limits placed. In the begining snapping worked. But once I entered pad. elev. next to modes - it stopped snapping elevation from contours. How to get that function back? 🙂 May be someone can help me here? 🙂




  8. Hi, 

    I noticed that some plants are off when comparing their size on plan vs spread size in OIP. Usually this discrepancy is insignificant. But just recently uploaded a plant from VW library, no modifications done and it's way off... See picture below. I can not find a reason behind. May be someone has any insights on this discrepancy?




  9. This wish is till on a list.... why?....  😭 In the world when efficacy is a key. Every additional little step, every fraction of a second accumulates into waisting of time.

    Ok, let's take only one step converting into auto hybrid, but then it does not show all (see picture below). ALSO it adds more steps, because it does not allow quickly change something, tweak it a bit, push/pull somewhere. Why.... this limitation is not taking seriously yet?




  10. Hi,

    I am not able to find the way how to see other layers (e.g. sketch plan) when editing site model contours. In training video site plan layer stays visible, layer is set to gray, it's not discussed further into details about it. I see other's screenshots - also visible. I set layers/classes visibility to visible or gray - no difference. I see my other layers before I enter contours editing as you can see in screenshots attached. Anyone can help? 🙂  

    I use VW 2023.


    VWcontour editing 1.jpg

    VWcontour editing 2.JPG

  11. On 5/8/2013 at 3:27 PM, Tamsin Slatter said:

    Hi Christiaan

    Here's what to do:

    Create a 3D Locus somewhere away from the design.

    Create a 3D only symbol from the 3D Locus.

    Use Select Similar to select all the 3D Polygon symbols.

    On the Object Info palette, click Replace.

    Replace the 3D Polygon symbols with the 3D Locus symbol.

    Modify > Convert to Group.

    This will destroy the symbols and you will be left with 3D Loci. Each will have retained the Z value of its original symbol counterpart.

    Hope that helps!


    Hi, for me it worked up until I replaced 3D polygons symbols with 3D Locus symbol. Then Modify - Group - it created a big group, but not destroyed symbols. I am not sure if I missed something here? 🙂

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