After trying to upload my work's plant data base I've been having occasional issues with plant creation. I usually create a plant by duplicating an existing one, and then modifying it's name, metadata and visual features as needed. For some reason my new plants are, from time to time, coming up as blank object, although the ID tag is still being displayed. I can't see what's causing this and have tried turning on all the class layers, but this has no effect. I've also been unable to pull in any of the plants from the database I uploaded, even though it is visible now. I have noticed that the "vectorworks plants" application keeps opening when I add plants I guess the issues are relate, but am pretty confused as to what I've done. My first priority is figuring out why plants are displaying as expected...please see image for reference. And thanks in advance for anyone taking the time to help here! 🙂
I have included 3 images, 1, how the plant displays, 2. the missing parts that aren't displaying but which are visible in the 'edit 2d component' space, and 3. how my plants generally look for reference.