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Everything posted by Christiaan

  1. Didn't work for me first time. But after emptying the trash and logging in and out again it updated, thanks.
  2. Dunno why some images show inline and some don't? Happens quite a bit.
  3. Here's a bunch of standard wall junctions from my latest project (all of which are drawn in 2D over top of the walls, even the ones achievable with the Wall Component Join tool because I wanted the line thickness' to be consistent, which they're not with the WCJ tool).
  4. I ran it but it said my version didn't need updating. And my build number is still 69163. ... same thing happens even if I replace my 12.5.2b version with 12.5.1 beforehand.
  5. There was a 12.5.2 beta (build 69193) issued via this forum. Is it okay to simply update from that or should we go back to the original 12.5.1 before updating?
  6. Haven't thought about that Katie, but being that we'd only use the Redline tool internally I don't think it would matter for us.
  7. No just in the OIP, with an option to add it to the drawing.
  8. Thanks Katie, but we just want the cloud. We don't want the date showing on the drawing. And asking people to use the redline tool then ungroup it and delete parts of it is not something I'm willing to ask people to do.
  9. Yeah it does have a date stamp, but there doesn't appear to be a way to turn off the associate notation.
  10. Good thought Don, thanks. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a way to turn off the associated notation.
  11. Not ideally, but that wasn't my point. My point was office-discipline is more difficult than self-discipline, by an order of magnitude.
  12. No it's office-discipline, which, I can assure you, is an entirely different thing to self-discipline.
  13. The option could be there to show on the drawing but we probably wouldn't use it (at least not for issued drawings). Except that when you're doing the revision your most likely to be working in the Design Layer.
  14. One thing I've noticed is that the roof tool doesn't like steep pitches; keeps crashing if you try.
  15. I'd like a date stamp to be added to the Revision Cloud tool in the Object Info Palette, so one can view the date a Revision Cloud was drawn. Maybe with the option to add the date stamp to the drawing (next to the Revision Cloud), although we wouldn't use this option. Being able to see the date the Revision Cloud was drawn would make them much easier to manage. See this thread for more info on how people deal with revision clouds currently: http://techboard.nemetschek.net/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=81236
  16. That's what we used to do but we found it to be a potential for a lot of confusion if someone forgot to delete the previous cloud revisions, especially when you have a number of people working on a project on and off. I think if we were to go down this road again (of not putting them on a rev. class) I think we'd go for putting them on the Viewports Annotations. I guess what would be really useful would be a date element to the Cloud tool, that you could view either on the drawing next to the Cloud or in the Object Info Palette, or both.
  17. You can have lots of things in VW. But they're not fixes. They're workarounds, and they often create as many problems as they solve.
  18. Interesting idea Jody. Might try it. Pity you can't make the text smaller that 8 point though; don't like the idea of large date stamps plastered all over a drawing.
  19. I don't think that was the basis of Antone's question Katie. Rather I think it was in reference to Robert's "Don't hold your breath on a Mac-compatible IFC viewer."
  20. Pete, it's more accurate to say it's my *perception* that VW is being designed for the McMansion market. How it's *actually* being developed/tested and for who I don't really know because I'm not privy to that process. What I do know is that if I try to use the parametric objects and BIM tools when producing my documents these tools consistently seem to me as if they've been designed by someone who tests them by drawing a prairie house situated in the Mississippi River valley, with four sides and a pitched roof. Whenever you stray too far from four-walls-and-a-pitched-roof you're stuffed because as soon as a parametric object doesn't do what you need it to do you can't go any further with that approach. You end up with three options: 1. Ditch the modelling process 2. Model manually 3. Ditch BIM and use your sub-standard parametric-based model as a reference for producing the documents you need The last option is what I tend to do. I'd soon get fired if I tried the 2nd option and I find the modelling process to valuable to take the 1st option. A few examples off the top of my head would be Window PIO sills, Nth American naming conventions throughout PIOs, no cavity closers in the Window PIO, the Roof and Dormer tools, the Space tool data fields, Stair PIO limitations with regard to multi-storey buildings, etc. I'll think about it harder and post more if you're not convinced.
  21. Jim, that's more work than you need to do. Just toggle the Wall Insertion Mode (in the mode bar when using the 2D Selection tool).
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