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Posts posted by KingChaos
Hi there,
q1: Someone told me, in 2025 it is possible to have more then 1 workgroup-library.
So i made 6 workgroups with different content and all was working fine,
til i got a new extremely faster computer -> HP Z2 G9 Wolf Security Edition (benchmark 4 times CPU and 2 times GPU faster then my old HP Z6 G4)
but refreshing my workgroups is taking SOOO LONG, it has done 10 % now but i took 1 hour.
Is there any issue known?
q2: Why it generates all the folderstructure while u conneting the workgroups to a new network user?
i deleted some of the folders i dont need in the specific libraries, so i have one library only for templates, textures and the others for different assemblies and purchase parts.
Each time when i connect a new users vwx to this libraries it will create all the deleted folders in the different workgroups. Why??
BR Nils
My Partner exported rounded rectangles, 8 Segments If done with vwx. 4 Linea 4 circle parts, but the parts are Not orientated in x y or z, they are angled and declined, so some rounding mistakes making IT a 400 piecea Segmentes polylinea If i converted them. Totally inacceptable for milling them die n Our CNC.
X_t > all, because ITS the native language of all 3d parasolid modellers, topsolid, Solid Edge Solid works.
Not good, is the Export x_t of vwx.
I am Missing the names of the objects, the colour and the group structure
ITS all about nurbs, what comes Out of rhino. Even a rectangle with rounded edges was a nurbs which i could Concert into a 300 Point Polygon.
Hi there,
does someone have some crystal chandelier for vwx 2013 for me?
i dont find any importable format.
How to use the value in the default db in the field depth fielsname"Gesamttiefe" into the polygons object node?
i will attach the record at the end of my network, is this a problem?
from which object in an empty file, i can get the values of the raw database preset for depth?
i make a rectangle behind the polygon as a positionhelper when u place the marionette object next to a wall (wall plugin). This rectangle has height and the value there should be "Gesamttiefe" from the record.
hi there,
i want to use db records to control "with marionette placed objects" (cabinets)
I got all working fine and well without db usage as objects.
the problem here is, that its too complicated to extend the functions and so on.
To make the strands getting data out of the polygonobject i made f.e. named Lines, which i can call in the strandobject and with "get length" i can get some values into the strand out of the polygon.
This is not elegant and fast i think and not easy to manage.
Now i want to make the red symbols getting placed in the strand filled up with the record fieldvalues of the polygonmaking network.
to drive the values with a table, where i have a list of all polygons and their values to manipulate the cells in the table so a refresh of the strand will adapt to the values i changed in the table.
what i know and i can do is:
1. create a db (cabinetstring 1) with all the fields i need (height, depth ...).
2. make a network, generating polygons, and attaching in the end to the parent the db "cabinetstring 1"
a) wrap it
b) object it
3. make a network placing red symbols (cabinets) along the poly as a strand.
a) wrap it
b) object it
4. move the polygon and changing the strand cabinets will move it to the maatrix of the polygon.
unclear is, on what object i must "attach the cabinetstring 1" when (where in the marionette) i have to set the values and how to get the values out of it in the strand object.
if i try to attach the "cabinetstring 1" db to the "plugin object" (cabinet) BUT its nor working.
my approach for now is, the db is attached to the objectnode of the polygons, and in the strand object i can call it and grab the values.
But what if a wanna have 2 (or more) polygons and strands in one file.
the file is crashing vwx sometimes, if i have it as an object node trying to copy and paste it crash
or enter the network from the object node and leave it - crash
in this file the red line represents the polygonobject with db entry (teal and organe field) which i may manipuilate
its working, that the values going into the cabinet.
br KC
The strand object
if i build a network with a symbol node, which places a red symbol in my file, it only works a a net or a wrap.
if i object it
this error occured.
The red symbols i want to place are marionete object styles.
br KC
fine all works except the crash when i enter the object node or duplicate it on my computer.
is it possible to make a text somehow written at z=2000 without moving it?
Next question, can i make a text on the y-z Plane without rotating it?
i need quasi both, some texts at a dynamic height and written in the y-z Plane.
i pasted this in marionette, maybe here its better.
Tutorial for node programming? - Marionette - Vectorworks Community Board
ITS a Marionette objects nodes, i am too nub to Know whether ita pio or Not 🙂
Does someone Here has a Guide "how to make Marionette nodes" or knows where i can find?
Br kc
I got 2 nice wrappers Here, searching in each other for a named objects and use this Objekt to Position themselves.
orking very well until i make objects nodes Out of IT
But after making objects nodes, They dont find the correct Position and angle. IT seema, that They use theory immer Zero Point of the Network and ignoring, how They are placed in the construction layer.
Ia there any Thing i can do?
Can u explain, why those Texts disappear, If i make An objects node of my Wrap? Maybe i have to polylonie IT and wxtrude ^^ but this ia very Performance Killing i think.
23 still
"color rgb" i dont have this node
Ungroup before?@DomC
check, works well.
And how i will modify the color of a text,
IF boolcheck Y/N make it green/red?
That wont work, i tried naively this,
problem for me, the attributes were set to some input, if i wanna make a bool decision what to make red or green, there has to be a different approach.
@DomC OK danke. Als Wrap hatte es problemlos funktioniert.
@DomCweißt du, warum er die Linien nicht composed?
Ich brauche die benannte polylonie, das ist der zwecker des Netzes.
Ich baue IC korpen daran auf mit einer weiteren Marionette. Das ist richtig krass.
workgroup libraries refreshment time?
in Troubleshooting
its rdy, it took 2 hours +