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Posts posted by KingChaos

  1. Thanks a lot, yeah it works, but i see, that my marionette is not composing the lines i made if it is an object node.


    i used the node without  duplicate and its working.


    the networks works fine, the wrapper too, but in object node (thats what i need) its not composing the lines.


    The problem is, if i change some of the segments length of my marionette, it wont modify the existing polygon, it creates a new one.

    so i need to find the named polygon with the node, then rename it to a temp-name, and delete it?


    If i object the node i can rotate the objectnode and i can change all lengths but the result is not a composed polygon as i need it.




    maybe someone can explaine, whats so different in object nodes and wrappers, or how i have to make it to make it work well.



    BR KC

    9 segmentiges POlygon fuer Strangmoebel V8.vwx

  2. hey,


    i tried to modify the "name node", in the following way with chatgpt:


    remove the oip.control widget

    add in string input "sName"


    which will be the name of the object to get.


    this is not working, because i cant do this by my own.



    #Revised by MFarrell on 02/05/16
    #Edited by KingChaos with ChatGPT 10/14/24
    #Modified April 2017
    class Params(metaclass=Marionette.OrderedClass):
        # APPEARANCE
        this = Marionette.Node('Name')
        this.SetDescription('Get a named object in the drawing')

        # Input Port
        sName = Marionette.PortIn('Input Value')
        sName.SetDescription('name of the object to get')

        # Output Ports
        obj = Marionette.PortOut('h')
        obj.SetDescription('The object with the specified name')

        # BEHAVIOR

        def RunNode(self):
            # inputs
            obj = vs.GetObject(self.Params.sName.value)
            sName = self.Params.sName.value  # Get the input value

            # outputs
            self.Params.obj.value = obj
            self.Params.outputValue.value = sName  # Pass the input value to the output


    can someone help me make this node working?


    Or has someone a different node, which gets an named object if it exists?

    poly delete name.vwx

  3. i am totally spoiled of TopSolids automatic constraining EVERYTHING u draw/sketch.


    But now i got some issues here, to make it on a polygon.


    I have this polygon.


    and i need to fix its starting point in X-Y



    and then

    have constraints (length constraints) for each segment.


    i will need some measures on a specific class, which i have to activate/visible whhen i need to change the polygon.


    this polygon is a control geometry of a complex marionette.


    Constraining this 2D Polygon makes me a white wizzard in placing 3D Cabinets and modify they sizes/orientation with this constraints.


    The manual modification of this polygon () is horror in VWX, because u cant see what is an endpoint of a segment (they got the f*** same color)



    u cant see what is middle point or end point.


    so if i can place some constraints of the segments, this problem is obsolet.


    I want to change the dimensions of the constraints by clicking the measure and entering a new length of a segment, but the polygons start has to be fix, only the endpoint and all following segment must follow the change of a pre sketched segment.


    Check this vid to see what i need 🙂 


     is there any way to get to something like that?


    BR KC

  4. is there any AI help for making those codes of all the node of f.e. a wrapper to one code without spagethicode?


    i think u know what i mean. i have dozents of marionettes which i have to fasten up, but i cant code by my self 🙂

  5. this told me CHATgpt


    class Params(metaclass=Marionette.OrderedClass):
        # APPEARANCE
        # Name
        this = Marionette.Node('Delete')
            'Deletes an object if the condition is met.\nNote: Objects to be deleted are saved in a list and are deleted at the end of the network execution. So, there is no risk of referencing an object that no longer exists'

        # Input Ports
        obj = Marionette.PortIn(vs.Handle(0), 'hObj')
        obj.SetDescription('The object to delete')

        delete_flag = Marionette.PortIn(False, 'DeleteFlag')
        delete_flag.SetDescription('Boolean flag to decide whether to delete the object or not')

        # OIP Controls

        # Output Ports

        # BEHAVIOR
        def RunNode(self):
            # inputs
            obj = self.Params.obj.value
            delete_flag = self.Params.delete_flag.value

            # script
            if delete_flag:

            # outputs

  6. Hi,



    i made some kind of rastered dowels for my cabinets, because the cabinetcreator of IC does not allow applying dowels in backplates.


    So i made this small marionette to have a red symbol which can be placed as a "box object" in the cabinets which is adoptable to the cabinet measures.


    network run - works

    wrapping - works

    object node - works

    symbol of "object node" - VWX CRASH


    does someone knows, whats wrong with my network?



    BR KC

    Duebelmarionette als Boxobjekt forum.vwx

  7. i want to make an object node, which places red symbols like this



    behind each segment of a named polygon.


    i need to put the segments length into the red symbols.


    with xg cabinets its working very good, except some unwanted behavior.


    Therefore i read out the "record" of the red symbols and found





    but it seems, that there are no fields with the data i need.



    So i need to remake the red symbol to make it be dynamic with a database?


    The red symbol is not that easy. You saw it before.



    But i dont know how to make the symbol react like now AND having a record with all the oip inputs.

  8. i needed the name of the field, because it seems not to be the name i called the input node which is in the oip.


    is there any different way, to manipulate the OIP parameters of marionettes placed red symbols?


    i thought they were record based, maybe this is not the right way to do it.



    symbole am strang V2.vwx

  9. ah ok, i made it with chatGPT.


    class Params(metaclass = Marionette.OrderedClass):
        this = Marionette.Node( "Get Record Name" )
        this.SetDescription( 'Returns the value of a data record field. If the data record does not exist or is not attached, it returns false' )

        #Input Ports
        inObj = Marionette.PortIn( vs.Handle(0), 'hObj' )
        inObj.SetDescription( "The input object" )

        #OIP Controls

        #Output Ports
        obj = Marionette.PortOut('hObj')
        obj.SetDescription( "The original object" )
        recName = Marionette.PortOut('sRecName')
        recName.SetDescription("The name of the attached record")


    def RunNode(self):
            # functions
            def getRecName(objHan):
                # This function returns the name of the first record attached to ObjHan, else an empty string
                totalRecCount = vs.NumRecords(objHan)
                if totalRecCount > 0:
                    locRecHan = vs.GetRecord(objHan, 1)
                    locRecName = vs.GetName(locRecHan)
                    return locRecName
                return ''

          # inputs
            inObj = self.Params.inObj.value

            # script
            recName = getRecName(inObj)

            # outputs
            self.Params.recName.value = recName
            self.Params.obj.value = inObj


    it returns 1 record name.


    i failed to add an output with a list of the field names of this record.


    Then i tried to list all attached records, but that does not work too.



  10. hi,



    how i can call the record name of a red symbol, placed with a marionett network.


    i need to place red symbols and put some parameters into them.


    Which nodes i have to use for this?


    BR KC

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