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  1. What does that mean? "not in the recalc event" Where can I get more info on this?
  2. The menus I used were all written by me. I worked around this by using {$INCLUDE} files. However, the include texts have problems of their own. Spacing and formatting is lost after exiting the editor. Individual lines all appear on the same line and often the script will not function after this. For example: Begin message('Hello'); End; becomes Beginmessage('Hello');End; this obviously generates an error message.
  3. To be clear, DoMenuTextByName can NOT be called from within a pio. even if the script it is calling is a command script.
  4. So.. to answer my own question: DoMenuTextByName is no longer supported in VW14 for Linear objects. I assume this is also true for point objects,path objects etc. This command only works from another Menu command.
  5. I am unable to make DoMenuTextByName work. I do not have the space issue like poster above. I recently upgraded to VW14 and my scripts that previously ran this command, are now just skipping over this line (in the debugger). I have moved the files to the main Plug-Ins folder. Added .vsm to the file name and also tried to use whole path and filename. all to no avail At this point I have stripped down my script to one message line with no variables. It is clear that the menu script does not run from the calling script. what am I doing wrong?
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