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Everything posted by Croo377

  1. When I export into DWG and Open the file in AutoCad Lt all the viewports are blocks and not viewports. Additionally a new layer (Class) is created for all viewports so the data gets copied over and over again. This started as a DWG file and nothing was changed in the organization of it ie. no new sheet layers or viewports. I really want to export this down to the way I received it. What am i doing wrong? Thanks
  2. I don't know if this will work in your situation but I have found that if I set the fill to solid and set the opacity of the 2d object when I extrude it it will carry it's transparency into 3d. I found it's a lot easier to use class management of attributes to change the opacity of an object once it has been extruded. The way I have found to alter the opacity of an existing extrusion is to edit the 2d object that it is based off by double clicking. Again I recommend using class management of attricutes because it will make this a whole lot easier. Hope this helps Brian
  3. Thank you Mike that confirms that I'm not going crazy. Is there a way in the educational version to export the file back to 2008?
  4. Thank you for the Quick Reply. The person I'm relaying this information to doesn't see the option to "Export to 2008". The earliest version he can export to is 2009. Thoughts?
  5. Does anybody know how to save a file in VW 2011 to VW 2008?
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