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Andy Broomell

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Posts posted by Andy Broomell

  1. A "constrain proportions" checkbox in the OIP would be VERY useful.

    Holding shift only works if you're changing the object's size with the blue handles rather than typing in a specific dimension in the OIP.

    There's also the "Scale Objects" command, but there's a few more steps with that, plus you can't choose the anchor point from which it scales.

    This should definitely exist for Rectangles, Images, and PDFs. Perhaps a few other object types...

  2. An option to see the 3D while editing the 2D (and visa versa) would be amazing as well. All of this should apply to regular 2D/3D hybrids, not just Auto hybrids.

    I've been wanting this for symbols for the longest time. Admittedly I haven't taken the time to file a wishlist request because I have many thoughts about it and haven't yet endeavored to type them out. But generally yes - a way to see both 2D and 3D at the same time would make editing hybrid symbols a thousand times easier.

    +1 for nondestructive AutoHybrids as well.

  3. Looks like auto-hide for Mac palettes may be making an appearance as well! It's being tested heavily now.

    Praise jesus. I recently switched to Mac and that is easily the single most frustrating, time-wasting thing I've encountered. I hope it's ready in time for 2017 :)

  4. Somehow I can no longer paste anything into the profile of an existing Extrude Along Path. I can't even copy the existing profile and paste a second copy of it.

    Either nothing pastes, or if it does show up it's unselectable and acts very strange.

    This happens in new files even after restarting VW and my computer.

    Is this something happening on my computer only, or perhaps a bug in SP3?

  5. More specifically:

    When you create a Viewport with a Camera selected, there should be a pop-up that says "Would you like the Viewport to be linked to the selected Camera? Any edits made to the Camera will be reflected in the Viewport" with an option to create an un-linked Viewport.

    Cameras should then have a list or button in the OIP showing which Viewport(s) are linked to it. Similarly, the Viewport OIP should have a field showing what Camera it's linked to, and an option to un-link it.

    Double-clicking a Viewport and choosing "Edit Camera" would take you to the Design Layer camera. There should be a pop-up that says "Any edits made to this camera will also edit the views of other Viewports linked to this camera" with buttons that say "OK", "Cancel", or "Make viewport unique". Or something kind of like that...

  6. The current method was quite confusing the first time I encountered it, and whenever my students play with cameras before learning about them in class, they find the process confusing as well. (And even after I explain how the cameras become part of the viewport they don't quite understand why.)

    What one would expect is essentially what Jonathan and Kevin are describing: Cameras should stay in the Design Layer and Viewports should be able to "link" to them.

    In theatre we often create multiple renderings, all from the same POV, to illustrate different lighting looks or to show scene changes. Currently, if we already have 10 viewports showing different scenes, for example, and then we want to change the POV slightly, it's a long and manual process. Being able to link all the Viewports to one Camera which can be edited in the Design Layer would be amazing.

  7. Additionally, to alter a Lighting Device's intensity for renderings you have to find it in the Vis palette, right click and choose Edit, then change the intensity in the pop-up (which is essentially the OIP for the embedded Light object). Not only is this a few extra steps, but it's not very apparent to someone who doesn't know this functionality exists. It would be helpful if the Lighting Device had a button directly in the OIP to take you to this same pop-up to edit the embedded Light.

  8. The icon for the "Finite Length Mode" is perhaps a bit misleading, in my opinion, especially when right next to the icon for Symmetric Mode.

    It actually controls something completely different: whether the length of the object 'beyond' the bend spine (your second and third clicks) also bends or whether it maintains its original shape (tangent to the new bent part).

    I've attached an image demonstrating this and how the four combinations of modes work. I clicked in the same three spots in the same order for each object.

    BTW, I completely agree that this is not apparent. In fact I simply avoided the last mode for the longest time till I actually sat down and figured out what it was.


  9. I agree that it doesn't work as well it should. All I can say for now is to make sure your active plane dropdown is set to Screen Plane instead of Layer Plane, particularly when moving objects. Once I realized that this actually affects moving things (not just creating things), my life got a lot easier. Still run into issues sometimes though...

    If you're in a 3D view and trying to snap things together, that's when you'd want it set to Layer Plane.

  10. That is wonderful news! Coincidentally, the last two weeks I've been teaching my students about textures and mapping them to objects, and I feel terrible every time I have tell them "Vectorworks can't do that" (which has happened more often than I wish)... particularly after I've been telling them all along about how awesome Vectorworks is.

  11. you should then be able to use the Attribute Mapping tool on it and asymmetrically scale the texture to get the aspect, size and alignment you need.

    I've never been able to asymmetrically scale a texture or change it's aspect ratio in VW. Are you saying this is possible?

  12. how about using Custom Selection to select all symbols, and then Convert to Group.

    The problem with this approach is that there are often Symbols inside of Groups, so this doesn't catch those. (It'll list the correct number of Symbols in the Custom Selection dialogue box, but it doesn't actually select them afterward).

    One workaround when I have a mix of Groups, Symbols, and nested Symbols is to Select All, make it one giant Symbol (temporarily), then Convert this Symbol to Group, and select "Convert nested symbols and plug-in objects". This effectively de-symbolizes everything, if that happens to be the goal.

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  13. When you delete a Symbol definition from the Resource Browser, it would be great if there were an additional option to convert any instances of that Symbol in your document to Groups, so you still have the geometry but no longer as a Symbol.

    (I'm thinking particularly of when I've imported files, such as from SketchUp or AutoCAD, and found a ton of Symbols in the RB, each with only one instance in the document. In those cases I don't want everything to be Symbols, but I do want to keep the geometry. So having this functionality would be a lot simpler than selecting the Symbols throughout the document and manually converting them to Groups.)

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