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Starting in Vectorworks 2018, users can now create menu commands defined by Marionette networks.

To do this, select a wrapper in your file, right click, and choose "Convert to Menu Command..."

This will open a dialog window where you can name this command. A background process will save your Menu Command to a file in your User Folder.

Once that's complete, you can access the menu command by navigating to Tools > Marionette Commands > [YOUR COMMAND HERE]


Try this out with the attached file. After creating your menu command (I named mine 'Color By Size' when I created it), select some or all of the objects on the drawing area and run the command!

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Hi Marissa,

Quick question - why does the marionette command work, but if I run the wrapper or the unwrapped network on some selected objects, they do not?

Seems like the wrapper and the unwrapped network should work as well.


Confused newbie

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  • Marionette Maven

Unfortunately, networks and wrappers can't be run while other objects are selected. That is one of the biggest reasons we implemented Menu Commands.

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Is it possible to have an OIP open when a menu command is selected so that parameters can be changed before the menu command runs?

For example with the color by size menu command, it would be great to be able to give it different RGB values for the 3 colors before it acts on a set of selected objects.



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  • Marionette Maven

There is no way to have the actual OIP to open while running the command, however the network could be modified to use User Interaction nodes which would prompt the user for values.

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