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SpacesfromList.vwx 1.0.5

   (2 reviews)

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About This File

This Marionette Script creates multiple space objects from worksheet data.

A very nice and time saving Marionette script to automate a routine peace of work.


Please consider, that the the script takes the area column and calculate the square with that. If you have a language settings with comma instead of points for decimal seperator, the calculation will fail. Use points as decimal character or eliminate decimal places in your list




Edited by DomC

What's New in Version 1.0.5   See changelog


1. Small Update. Out of the box the example takes the right fields without setting the mapping.
2. And the space Style use another space label. The other was not visible after ne space creation until a reset of the space

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This Script ist Cross-Plattform and also works on my windows computer.
However, the following could go wrong:
1. Did you picked the file? with the PickFile Node Button?
2. Maybe Browser or Antivirus etc. change the downloaded Text file. Check out Text encoding (setting of the import txt v110) latin_1 or cp 1252 should match for windows. Did you opened the textfile with another software like excel or wordpad etc.? Maybe this changed the txt file or the text encoding of the file.
3. Did you used the debug mode and/or the "print debug" to see, which wires have data or not
4. I am using Vectorworks 2022 SP 2.1 on Windows 10. It runs with the downloaded text file and with the Vectorworks File Version 1.0.4.
I run with a German Designer Version. Also it works with Architecture or interiorcad Version. I guess not with Landmark or spotlight because there is no space-tool available in this versions.

- The "Split List Absorb" limites the lines to 20 (To not have too look for the first run, if someone have 2500 Spaces in his Textfile)
I you would provide your vwx File, I maybe have a chance to find the error in your network.

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Have you tried update on SP2 or SP3?
Even if the "Data Mapper" runs without any data and connection it should show an error message. 

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I've used this script way back in 2018. Worked fine then but can't seem to get it work in VW 23 or VW24? Any updates necessary to the script? 

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Should still work in 2024 (tested on mac 2024 Sonoma)
1. Select Excel File (I use Version 1.0.4 from xlsx) By clicking the Button of the Pick File Node. But if this was wrong it would throw an error message.


Maybe to prevent path issues copy on desktop 
2. Sheet Name input. This should match to the sheet name in the excel file. 
But if this was wrong it would also work by taking the first sheet name.

3. Check "Confuguration Dialog"

Anyway, if input of the xls import was wrong it would throw also an error. 
If just nothing happens, the creation of space maybe fails. 

The reason maybe could be there is no area value or the area value was not returnet on output.

column1 is imported

without area not space. Also click the debug method to see, how many areas are outputed.

It is normal we have more field values and values than areas. Because the field and values repeat because to match the set Record Field Node. 
If we have 3 columns it return double fields as area outputs.
If we have 5 columns it returns 4 times more fields than area outputs etc.


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