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Lost Architect plugins after updating to 9.5.0


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When I was trying to use the setup assistant and many other tools from my VW Architect installation, I noticed several ones couldn't be used and a message appeared telling me "not in the plugins folder". Surprisingly, they were inside that folder. In the menus several tools apperaed grayed out with a message saying they were not in the plugins folder. This happens in either Mac OS 9.2.2 or Mac OS X 10.1.3

I deleted everything and reinstalled:

1 Installed VectorWorks 9.0.12 Installed Architect 9.0.13 Installed RenderWorks 9.0.1

All this under Mac OS 9. Everything worked fine, with all the plugins available.

But then I upgraded to 9.5.0 and a message says the installation was succesful. But I launch the application, it starts fast and with no problem, but the architect menus are grayed out and I can't use several tools because of this mesage about the plugins not being in their folders, although they are!!!

I've tried upadting to 9.5.0 in both 9 and X and always have the same problem.

What can I do for a correct installation? Should I copy the 9.0.1 plugins to the 9.5.0 folder or something like that?

My computer is an iMac 400 with 384 MB of RAM running both 9.2.2 and 10.1.3

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