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Create a new palette

Shubham Joshi

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Hello Everyone, 


I want to create a new palette in current workspace. 

I use CreateToolPalette(const TXString& inIdentifier, iWorkspacesToolPalette** outtoolpalette) API


Where I am setting inIdentifier using createIdentifier (EWorkspaceItemType inItemType, TXString&  outIdentifier); API 

At this API an exception is comming

Access violation writting location


How to fix it.


Thanks and regards



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I'm using following code to create new tool palettes:

VCOMError XGWorkspaceCreator::CreateNewToolPalette(const TXString& paletteName, IWorkspaceFile* workspaceFile, IWorkspaceToolPalette** newToolPalette)
	VCOMError error = kVCOMError_Failed;

	if (workspaceFile) {

		TXString toolPaletteID;
		CREATE_TOOLPALETTE_ID(toolPaletteID, error);
		workspaceFile->CreateToolPalette(toolPaletteID, newToolPalette);

	return error;

Where workspaceFile points to a workspace file within Vectorworks program directory.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Make sure that the workspace interfaces are initiated correctly. This is a snippet of my workspace wrapper class and confirmed to be working:

VCOMPtr<IWorkspaces> pWorkspace(IID_Workspaces);
// Get current workspace file name.
TXString workspaceFileName;

// Current workspace full file name.
TXString workspaceFullFileName = workspaceFileName + ".vww";
VCOMPtr<IWorkspaceFile> pWorkspaceFile(IID_WorkspaceFile);
if(pWorkspaceFile && pWorkspace)
		errorCode = pWorkspaceFile->Open(workspaceFullFileName, kFileReadPermission);
		VCOMPtr< IWorkspaceToolPalette >		pToolPalette;
        VCOMPtr< IWorkspaceTool >				pTool;
        TXString ToolPaletteName = "VectorMEP";
        TXString ToolPaletteIdentifier;
        if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pWorkspace->CreateIdentifier(VectorWorks::Workspaces::EWorkspaceItemType::eWorkspaceItemType_ToolPalette, ToolPaletteIdentifier);
        if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pWorkspaceFile->CreateToolPalette(ToolPaletteIdentifier, &pToolPalette);


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@Tobias Döngi @Hippocode Thank you for your reply.


I created a new palette successfully in current workspace.


But to show in workspace I have to mannual select a palette from a palette list.


I set the visibility property to true using 



Thanks and Regards



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Well it could be any of these settings. I'm setting all these to show the palette in a specific spot.


                    bool inTearOffState = false;
                    bool inTopPosition = false;
                    Sint16 ToolinSortStyle = 1;
                    Sint16 ToolinViewStyle = 2;
                    Sint16 ToolSetinSortStyle = 1;
                    Sint16 ToolSetinViewStyle = 2;
                    bool inVisibilityState = true;
                    bool inWindowShadeState = false;
                    EWindowHomeCorner inHomeCorner = EWindowHomeCorner::eWindowHomeCorner_ScreenUpperLeft;
                    Sint16 inHorizontalOffset = 0;
                    Sint16 inVerticalOffset = 0;
                    ViewRect screenRect;
                    ViewPt Center = screenRect.Center();
                    inHorizontalOffset = +Center.x;
                    inVerticalOffset = +Center.y;

                    if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pToolPalette->SetTearOffState(inTearOffState);
                    if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pToolPalette->SetToolSetPosition(inTopPosition);
                    if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pToolPalette->SetToolSetSortStyle(ToolSetinSortStyle);
                    if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pToolPalette->SetToolSetViewStyle(ToolSetinViewStyle);
                    if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pToolPalette->SetToolViewStyle(ToolinViewStyle);
                    if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pToolPalette->SetToolSortStyle(ToolinSortStyle);
                    if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pToolPalette->SetVisibilityState(inVisibilityState);
                    if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pToolPalette->SetWindowShadeState(inWindowShadeState);
                    if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pToolPalette->SetHomeCorner(inHomeCorner);
                    if(VCOM_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) errorCode = pToolPalette->SetHomeCornerOffset(inHorizontalOffset, inVerticalOffset);


Edited by Hippocode
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It depends on which platform you are creating the new palette. Under Windows you cannot set the visibility state by API. This is due to the fact that NVI is using a third party module for rendering all the palettes. You can see this when opening a Windows workspace file in a text editor. There is a special tag WindowsOSData. That's a xml subsystem with own palettes and settings specific to the Windows platform. You can retrieve this data by calling:

		TXString newWinOSData;



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