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how do I make a class 'active' ?

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The class that's showing is the active one (it shows in the second white box from the right in the Data Bar, which is just under the pull-down menus). To change the active class, click on the arrowhead on the right edge of that box, pull down and select the one you want to be active.

Unlike AutoCad, that box always shows the active class. When you select an object, its class doesn't show in that box. To read or change the class of the selected object or objects, look in the Object Info palette, or right-click on the object and select Properties.

Yes, all new objects drawn are assigned to the active class, except that Dimensions automatically get put in the Dimension class, regardless of what class is active.

Layers work the same way, using the box just to the right of the Classes box. Layers have no equivalent in AutoCad. They have scale associated with them, and they control layering of 2D drawing objects, one on top of another, as if each layer were a separate sheet of clear film with things drawn on it, and the things drawn on one sheet cover up the things drawn on the sheets below. And even if Layer Options is set to Show/Snap/Modify Others, you can only snap to or modify objects on layers at the same scale as the active one.

Another way to change active class or layer is with the arrow keys, perhaps in combination with the Shift and/or Ctrl keys. To see and choose which it is, pull down File > Preferences > VectorWorks Preferences and look in the Arrow Keys area in the lower right of the Edit tab. I use Ctrl + arrow keys, which I think is the way it's set when you first install the program. Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Dn cycle through layers, and Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right cycle through classes.

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