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runtime error

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Hey has anyone else had this;

Launch Vectorworks, it loads up, and then "runtime error", click "OK", and it closes.

Launch it a couple more times and eventually it runs fine....

May be something to do with my custom workspace, but why does it work eventually?

winxp SP1

p3 1.1, 1/2 a g of RAM

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Do you have a default printer installed?

If so, what printer and driver version is it?

Are you getting the crash after trying to open a second file while Untitled 1 is open?

Uusally if the program doesn't open and eventually does open, it's because anti-virus software is set too high. Are you 100% positive you do not have anti-virus software?

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Well Katie, thanks for your reply.

I can't dulpicate the problem anymore, so can only assume the following based on your info;

One of my 5 printers installed caused the problem (I change the default printer all the time for various reasons)

I did have AVG (antivirus) running at some level.

Thanks Again

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