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Quickly edit text

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There used to be a series of Plug-Ins for VectorWorks called VWPro. The best of those tools was one called "Edit Text in Dialoge." What it did was allow you to click on and text field - or even better, a group that contains text - and it would pop up a dialogue box where you could fill in the content for the text field. It was a very quick an easy way to edit the text in multiple groups throughout the drawing. For example, I have symbols in my template file that I use for notes and for position labels and these symbols all convert to groups upon dropping. This tool was great, because I could click on the newly made group, edit the text in the dialogue box, hit enter, and move on to the next one. It is much faster and smoother than having to double click on the group to open it, THEN double click on the text to edit it, THEN edit the text, THEN click to exit the group.

Well, as best I as can tell, this plug-in tool is finally no longer supported in VW2015, and it makes me very sad. Does anyone know of some similar tool that does still work to quickly edit text in groups?


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