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Importing AC Font

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VW doesn't support SHX fonts, neither does any other application besides AutoCad. It's a native font to AutoCad, exclusively.

When you import the DWG file and there is text in a drawing that uses a font not installed on your computer, you will be asked to map it to a font you do have on your computer. There should be no instance where text doesn't get imported in VW, unless it's just invisible from the AC file. Please note, all frozen and hidden entities in an AC file will not be able to be accessed in VW. A frozen object will be visible, but you will not be able to select it or change it. A hidden entity will not show up in your VW drawing.

If you want, you can send this file instance (AC file) to us and we can look at it in AC and VW to compare the text in question.

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When you say "...There should be no instance where text doesn't get imported in VW, unless it's just invisible from the AC file." You might be technically correct.

What happens is a fraction, like "3/8"" becomes, in VW, a tilde!

Interestingly, this happens in AC too, if the correct font isn't installed in AC.

The question is, how to get the correct text into VW, and importantly, what AC fonts ARE Supported by VW?

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VW uses fonts that are installed on your computer such as Bitmap and TrueType fonts. On certain platforms, other types of fonts don't work ... and other fonts do work. Ugh. So complicated.

At any rate, a SHX font will not work with VW. It's either gotta be TT or BitMap for the most part. That's a good rule to live by in VW.

However, in an AC file that had SHX fonts used, those text items should have been mapped to a different font per the font mapping dialog box. If you already had a font mapped to that shx font prior to importing this file, you wouldn't get the font mapping dialog box. If you haven't, you should have gotten a font mapping dialog box on Import of the AC file.

TO check and see if you have a font mapped to that special.shx font, go to File>Preferences>Session - Font Mapping button. In the list of maps, you should see the special font and the font it's mapped to that you have installed on your system.

To reinterate, you cannot use SHX fonts with any application other than AutoCad. VW will use any font installed on yoru computer such as True Type and PostScript fonts, and Bitmap fonts. There are some exceptions to bitmap fonts and other types of fonts on OS 10.x.

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