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using SPACES in VW11 -any help?


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Hello, I wonder if there is any help for this issue:

i am using the space tool in VW11 - the polygon that can automatically display its area. i cannot figure out a way how to MOVE THE TEXT though, which makes the whole tool useless for me. (f.ex. i have an "L" shaped footprint of a building and i would need to position its area within the shape...)

is it possible to move the text? how? (in VW 11)

another thing which would make it more usefull would be the possibility to convert the "space" back to "polygon" as there are more options for working with polygons (clipping, adding...). it is possible to clip the space too, but one must click on it, select edit profile and everything around disappears (!?)

all i would really need is to work with polygons as they work now in vw, which would display their area with the possibility to position the number to where i want it (not only at the center of the shape)

any tips? anybody knows of any plugins allowing this?

i would be thankful for any help.

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oh yes, and not to be too modest it would be really wonderful to get the areas of the polygons into a worksheet:)

to be specific: i am working on an urban masterplan and need to position number of buildings of different shapes on the layout and keep track of floor areas for different programs... the layout is changing every week and one has to calculate the sums over and over...

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Hello, I wonder if there is any help for this issue:

i am using the space tool in VW11 - the polygon that can automatically display its area. i cannot figure out a way how to MOVE THE TEXT though, which makes the whole tool useless for me. (f.ex. i have an "L" shaped footprint of a building and i would need to position its area within the shape...)

is it possible to move the text? how? (in VW 11)

another thing which would make it more usefull would be the possibility to convert the "space" back to "polygon" as there are more options for working with polygons (clipping, adding...). it is possible to clip the space too, but one must click on it, select edit profile and everything around disappears (!?)

You do not need to double-click the space, just select the space and then select the 2D reshape tool. Now you can reshape you'r space like you would a polygon while seeing all other things.

Clipping and adding also works because it is based on a polygon.

The text will always be in the center of it, so a workaround may be that you define your L space with 2 spaces.

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DWorks: thank you for your advice, but:

-to clip,add etc i have to double click and go to the mode where everything disappears (although i have the preferences set up in a way that this not occurs with groups...) otherwise clipping just does not seem to be working....(to remind i am using VW 11!)

-well with the L shape I could really break it up into rectangles. it will look just a little incomprehensible...people will ask "why is this building showing two areas? we are interested in its total..."

but thanks anyway!

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DWorks: thank you for your advice, but:

-to clip,add etc i have to double click and go to the mode where everything disappears (although i have the preferences set up in a way that this not occurs with groups...) otherwise clipping just does not seem to be working....(to remind i am using VW 11!)

-well with the L shape I could really break it up into rectangles. it will look just a little incomprehensible...people will ask "why is this building showing two areas? we are interested in its total..."

but thanks anyway!

there are always workarounds:

you can draw your polygon that you will clip or add first, cut it, go inside the space, paste it and then clip it or add it.

you can use worksheets to display the areas and totals of youre spaces.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

The Space tool/object has received a lot of attention in VW12 and 12.5. I would recommend updating your VectorWorks. There is also a public beta (for VWA 12.5 users) of an auto-bounding Space object that works with IFC. The list of improvements is really too long to go over here, suffice it to say that if you use spaces a lot, the upgrade will easily pay for itself.

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thank you both for your input.

i hope my office will upgrade to VW12 in the future, but for now i have to stick with what is available. at the end i must say that the space tool is still a little clumsy for my task. your note about worksheets made me do a little study and learn how to keep the track of areas using simple polygons and the worksheet...

that is definitely an improvement and it will save me some time!


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thank you both for your input.

i hope my office will upgrade to VW12 in the future, but for now i have to stick with what is available. at the end i must say that the space tool is still a little clumsy for my task. your note about worksheets made me do a little study and learn how to keep the track of areas using simple polygons and the worksheet...

that is definitely an improvement and it will save me some time!


We also don't use the space tool, but simple polygons with records on it. If you define them good from the beginning, it's easy to get your shedule out of it

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