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Spiralled worm conveyors


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Hi - Just jumped on the VW wagon with V12. Thus very fresh to VW and asking to be a little patient with "stupid" questions.

Some brilliant tools in VW but looking for a way and means to make spiralled worm conveyors. Other programs have the ability where you just give a Dia/Pitch/Length/Turn Amounts etc and/or Variable Dia and it does the rest.

How can it be created in VW ?

Thank You, CLB

Edited by clb
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Check your Plug-ins for the HelixSpiral & HelixSpiralMenu Tools.

If there, then confirm that they're in your current Workspace.

Use the HelixSpiral Tool to create a NURBS Path with the necessary parameters "Radius/Pitch/StartAng/Turns",

then create a suitable profile and 'Extrude Along Path'.

Takes some getting used to but it works.

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