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Iterating over all Lighting Devices and reading all data (stuck on custom parameters)

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I'm looping over every lighting device and trying to pull all the data. Everything works except getting parameters added via the "File> Document Settings> Spotlight Preferences" menu. If I add "User Field 7" it doesn't show up in my info. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Currently running something like:

vs.ForEachObject( load_data, "( (PON='LIGHTING DEVICE') & (V) )")

def load_data(h):
    phandle = vs.GetParametricRecord(h)
    recname = vs.GetName(phandle)
    record = vs.GetObject(recname)
    field_count = vs.NumFields(phandle)
    this_data = {}
    for x in range(0, field_count):
        fname = vs.GetFldName(record,x)
        data = vs.GetRField(h, recname, fname)
        this_data[fname.lower()] = data




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maybe the data is stored in another record that is also attached to the object.

If i want an overview of all the records (as far as i know) that are attached to an object i use the function below (im not sure if this function works with "ForEachObject", but i think you are going to modify this code anyways):


def get_all_record_fields(object_handle) -> list:
	number_of_records_attached_to_object = vs.NumRecords(object_handle)

	all_record_fields = []

	for i in range(number_of_records_attached_to_object):
		temp_record_handle = vs.GetRecord(object_handle, i + 1)
		temp_record_name = vs.GetName(temp_record_handle)
		temp_number_of_fields_in_record = vs.NumFields(temp_record_handle)
		for j in range(temp_number_of_fields_in_record):
			temp_field_name = vs.GetFldName(temp_record_handle, j + 1)
			temp_field_accuracy = vs.GetFldFlag(temp_record_handle, j + 1)
			temp_field_type = vs.GetFldType(temp_record_handle, j + 1)
			temp_is_field_empty, temp_is_data_linked = vs.GetRFieldOpt(object_handle, temp_record_name, temp_field_name)
			temp_field_value = vs.GetRField(object_handle, temp_record_name, temp_field_name)
			temp_record_field_dict = {
				"object_handle"		: object_handle,
				"record_name"		: temp_record_name,
				"record_handle"		: temp_record_handle,
				"field_name"		: temp_field_name,
				"field_accuracy"	: temp_field_accuracy,
				"field_type"		: temp_field_type,
				"is_field_empty"	: temp_is_field_empty,
				"is_data_linked"	: temp_is_data_linked,
				"field_value"		: temp_field_value





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