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How to draw temporary text from a tool ?


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Dear SDK experts, 


We struggle to draw temporary text from one of our tool.

Based on an old post on this forum, and answer from Hippocode there,

we try to draw a temporary text block using this piece of code, but nothing happens. The same example is working fine with basic obj types such as 2d line or 3d polylines, but impossible to get a temporary text from a kTextNode.


::Draw(IToolDrawProvider* draw_provider)
	if (context_.state == ToolContextData::kProcessState)
		VectorWorks::IToolInteractiveDrawPtr tool_interactive_draw;
		if (tool_interactive_draw)
			VWTextBlockObj text_block(tool_interactive_draw->GetObjectW(kTextNode));
            // for example tool_interactive_draw->SetObjectTransform() based on mouse

		WorldCoord perspective_distance, clip_distance;
		WorldRect redraw_r;
		gSDK->GetPerspectiveInfo(gSDK->GetActiveLayer(), perspective_distance, clip_distance, redraw_r);


We also tried to pre-allocate textblocks and then display / move / delete them from Draw or MouseMove functions, but it didn't displayed well.


Is there any way to draw any kind of text while the tool is active ? 


Thank you for your answers


Have a good day!


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