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Worksheet cell displays number instead of Boolean?

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Dear developers,

in a QTO function (EQTOFunction::ObjectData, VWWSFunctionCall_EventSink::MyFunction(const SDispatchContext& context,  VWVariant& outResult)

our plug-in returns a VWVariant of type eVWVariantType_Bool (i.e., outResult = VWVariant((bool)(true/false));

But in the worksheet cell, no boolean value (localized true/false string) is displayed but only the number (1 for true, 0 for false). Imho this is a bug. A number should onmly be displayed if VWVariant is one of the numbers type. If VWVariant is of type bool, the cell should treat it as bool and display it as such. 

Do I need to submit a bug or is this WAD? If WAD, how else can I make sure that the actual bool value is displayed instead of a number?

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