I tried a bit with C4D Material Import.
1. C4D R18 with Materials from their Presets.
2. C4D R16 with Materials from their Presets.
3. C4D R18 with Materials that came from a VW RW Textures by Export to C4D. Having a Tex Folder with Textures beside.
Only the 3rd attempt worked in some way.
I get Image Textures but in wrong Scale (Export was VW cm > C4D mm > VW m)
I get Reflections if C4D uses legacy mode only.
I get Transparency.
So I need help what is the exact Environment thought for this import. Or what parameters
I have to apply to be successful. And what is not supported Concerning :
Image Textures in C4D > Location, Path Assignments, Mapping
Material Settings in C4D > Channels and their Sub Obtions
VW 2017 help isn't that informative at this point.