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Found 3 results

  1. Hi! I was wondering if it was possible to have a cell inside a database row change colour text/fill depending on another cell. We create our document list inside vectorworks worksheets using a database and the title block elements but we would normally be using a 'greyed' out text style to show which documents have had revisions. I dont think there is any functionality to create a cell that automaticly switches to grey when there is a revision in another cell. Thank you for your time.
  2. It's almost 2024. I feel that now it would be completely on point for VW Fundamentals to include a simple Wall, Door & Window tool for those users who would buy VW for simple floor plans & layouts.
  3. This may be considered a wishlist, but honestly I have no idea if this functionality may already exist somehow in Vectorworks...here we go. Is it possible to set up a default that would automatically attach a custom record format to everything placed in a drawing, retroactively and to all future drawn objects? The reason. We have started to use custom record formats to gain some additional functionality out of certain tools or features, but we can run into difficulty in an office setting where multiple users are asked to know what record to attach to what and to make sure to attach it to any new objects placed. I would love the ability to create a very generic custom record format that covers many of our additional functionalities and ensure that it will be attached to everything in the drawing. I can worry about using other criteria to limit my selections later (usually type, class, layer, etc.). Just curious?
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