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Found 4 results

  1. When copying devices I frequently get two tags for same device. One of the tags Class is "None", the other is "Sys-Device Tag". This is a snip from "inside" group Device: My workflow is: Copy device using Ctrl Edit device using Edit tool Either Save and reopen or when I make cable connections. I am using Spotlight 2019 and ConnectCAD 2018. Does anyone has an idea?
  2. Is there a detailed workflow article /tutorial on allocating locations and racks for devices within a schematic? Tom did this video but skipped over the process of "Creating Devices from List" (and I can't work it out) and can't fin any info on-line The video suggests that this is a workflow you do at the end of the design process, I'd like to know how it can be updated iteratively too, if you add/delete items from the schematic, how do you keep everything in synch?
  3. Hi all, I was after some advice on best working method for drawing an installed distributed audio systems (PA) for buildings. I'm trying to avoid taking up huge amounts of drawing space showing hundreds of loudspeakers (lots of 100V line) all of the same type, which is not very meaningful, but I still want to schedule the quantities and locations etc. Any best working methods, welcome! Thanks, R
  4. https://www.google.com.sg/amp/blog.vectorworks.net/meet-the-open-data-format-that-will-change-the-entertainment-industry%3fhs_amp=true So I hear that the GDTF is coming along... a dream come true or an April's Fools joke? And if this update is coming along... which version of VWX will it be for? Gabriel
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