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Everything posted by CS1

  1. I have tried both the methods as described above, each way is a lot quicker than the old way I used to create elevations (without using viewports), however the problem with having a black and white texture then using "final quality rendorworks" is that even with the "accuracy" at 100% and the "fuzz" at 0, the lines don't look nice and crisp. I have refined all the settings available (eg scale, factors and line thickness) but still cannot get the desired affect. The problem with using polygons traced over the "live viewport" in annotation mode is that the elevation is now not really live and still requires editing when changes are made. I know that there is always going to be some editing required but would have thought that having crisp hatches on elevations that are live would be an easy process.
  2. I am relativly new to viewports, once I have created a "side view" viewport from my model how can i assign a hatch"(say a brick hatch) to the wall without having to draw a polygon in annotation mode and assign the hatch to the 2D polygon
  3. Have created a window in a wall, when I go to the I can view the selections but when I exit I get the following error Warning: _1225 _1227 - Error in read data. Warning: _1225 _1229 - Error in read data. Warning: _615 _620 - String index or count must be from 1 to 255. Warning: _615 _623 - String index or count must be from 1 to 255. Warning: _615 _623 - Error trying to convert string to number. Error: _615 _623 - String index or count must be from 1 to 255.
  4. Can anybody recommend a link for recent symbol and object downloads, for example 3D vehices or TVs for use in models and rendering in version 11.5.1
  5. Can anybody recommend a link for recent symbol and object downloads, for example 3D vehices or TVs for use in models and rendering
  6. Cool, I have used the "select all" command and confirmed that only the locis I am using are present, have also checked no other information is on hidden classes. The problem still occurs but I have tried pasteing to a new document and works fine, will also upgrade to 11.5.1, thanks
  7. I am running verion 11.5.0. The active layer only has the locis present with all other info and objects on other layers. I have been creating the site model as "extruded contours" where the "site model grid" tick box is inactive. I have also tried creatiing the site model using the "3D Grid" and setting the grid to more than 0 and i recieve the error "a miscalaeneous error has occured (20,1)
  8. Ok I am running 11.5.0 will this make a difference? I'm running windows with up-specd video card and drivers. For each job I use a new blank document and the problem still occurs, doesn't seem to be file specific.
  9. I find on odd occasions when i double click on a text the program will crash with out any error notifications or warnings
  10. I'm running version 11.5, and using a polygon to outline the perimetre of the site then line tool to divide into equal areas then snapping the 3d loci tool to the intersection points created by the lines and polygon, then using the "AEC>sitemodel>"
  11. I am creating a simple site model using only 12 loci, have layer with only the loci present and recieve the following error when trying to create a site model "Error: The grid width is too small; It must be greater than zero. (39, 1)". Under Page>Set Grid> I have both X and Y for snap grid and reference grid set to 10mm.
  12. Have tried all "View>Standard Views>Top plan, plan, right iso, left iso etc. But the I and J coordinates still remain.
  13. On a particular file i am working on the X and Y coordinates have been substituted for I and J, I think this has something to do with 3D views but unsure how to revert to the plan coordinates
  14. I am using version 11.5.0, when creating a site model (even from as little as 10 3D locis" I recieve the error "a miscellaneous error has occured. (20, 1)"
  15. I am using version 11.5.0, when creating a site model (even from as little as 10 3D locis" I recieve the error "a miscellaneous error has occured. (20, 1)"
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