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J Lucas

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Posts posted by J Lucas

  1. It may have had something to do with rotating and undoing the rotation. Anyway, today in the same file the colored xy axis that is centered at 00 is not showing up.

    If I set rotation to "0" the xy axis with arrows shows up in the left bottom corner.

  2. I draw details to scale in a file for each scale.

    Each file/scale has a corresponding set of classes for typical detail elements.

    I use the same set of class/elements for all details, but line weighs are changed and a prefix is added for each file/scale. The prefix for 1 1/2" scale is d8-, for 3" scale it is d4-.

    When I import a detail object from one scale/file to another the classes come with it. To complete the transfer I just delete say the d4- classes (one by one) and covert them to d8-.

    Would it be possible to automate this process with a script?

  3. Thanks for the demonstration videos.

    I have modeled complex foundations before. In the end I felt I had blown a bunch of my billable time.

    Generally I 3D model the main components of a building that will show up in elevations and then transition to 2D details and plans based on this model.

    Perhaps now with the push pull tool it can payoff to model the footings also.

  4. I have been placing the keynotes directly on the sheet. When the keynotes are placed directly on the sheet layer (not in a sheet layer viewport) the legend does not reformat each time a note is placed or edited.

  5. I have recently submitted several bugs for VW 2011. The followup, from NVW tech staff, has been very quick, attentive, and thorough.

    I have been using VW 2011 Architect w/ Renderworks since it was available. I have been working around a few notable bugs but these annoyances (which are truly annoying and which I do not excuse) are small compared to the value of the improvements in 2011.

  6. My practice is almost exactly as you describe yours, except that I do more new custom homes than additions. In 2007 I switched from Autocad-LT to VW and started 3D modeling from the beginning as a basis for all my drawings. The learning curve was steep but I have not looked back or regretted my decision. Once you learn 3D modeling, the work-flow for all 2D drawings based on the model is much faster than drawing straight 2D.

  7. I know that the new Renderworks uses multi-cores. I do not know if the number is limited. One of the 2011 intro videos shows it rendering with a task manager performance window (or something like it) open with several (4?) processors running at once. I have used the new rendering a lot. It is much faster than the old. As you can see I am running an i5, which has 4 cores. The new RW uses all these cores fully when rendering on my machine.

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