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Posts posted by gmm18

  1. Oh, because the Framing Member is a "Tool" it doesn't have

    parameters. What the FM Tool is doing is actually inserting other PIO's, such as:





    So look up any of those items in the Plug-in Editor and under

    Parameters you will find all of the record names for that object.

    EDIT: I think I am wrong here...see below...sorry...

  2. Wierd.

    I think this is something I must have downloaded a long time ago,

    and forgot about. I just never added to my workspace until I found it a couple weeks ago.

    Wouldn't you know it...Pat Stanford!

    See copyright info.

    I must have downloaded this from a public place, I just can't remember where (VectorDepot?but I am just posting the script here since I don't know how to attach the .vsm file to this board.

    Maybe someone else can tell us where I got it!

    Here it is:

    Procedure GetPIORecordFields;

    {Creates a worksheet showing the display and field names}

    {for the first selected object on the active layer}

    {Useful for determining the record.field names required}

    {for use in a worksheet.}

    {January 30, 2008}

    {? 2008, Coviana, Inc - Pat Stanford pat@coviana.com}

    {Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License}

    Var H1 ,H2 :Handle;

    S1,S2,S3,S4 :String;

    N1,N2 :Integer;

    WSH :Handle;

    B1 :Boolean;



    H2:=GetRecord(H1,1); {get a handle to the first record}

    If H2 <> Nil then

    Begin {If a record exists then create worksheet}





    WSH:=CreateWS(Concat(S1,' ',Date(2,1)),N1+2,2);




    SetWSCellFormula(WSH,1,1,1,1,Concat('Parameter Fields for PIO: ',S1));

    SetWSCellFormula(WSH,3,1,3,1,'Display Name');

    SetWSCellFormula(WSH,3,2,3,2,'Cell Formula');

    While N2<=N1 Do

    Begin {populate the worksheet with all the fields}













  3. If you are talking about the rectangle around the viewport,

    then go into VP Crop and turn the rectangle pen to None.

    If you are talking about the Line Weight for objects just

    within that VP, then in the OIP select Advanced (at the bottom)

    and scale line weight there. Or you could edit the classes

    within the viewport using VP Class Overrides (as long as the

    actual objects in the design layer are set to use the class attributes and the class set to "Use at Creation."

  4. I thought I would share this Menu Command that I found.

    It is called "PIO worksheet cheat sheat"

    You can add it to your workspace using the Workspace Editor.

    What it does:

    In your drawing, select a PIO, such as a hardscape object, door, window, etc.

    Then hit the PIO Cheat Sheet command and it generates a little worksheet with all of the Parameter Fields.

    This is a more direct way than going into your Plug-in Editor, finding the PIO, and searching for the Parameters there.

    It is a quick way to get the formulas for building your schedule worksheets.




  5. Okay thanks that did it.

    So I set the View in the Design Layer to Isometric first,

    then edit>symbol, then when I finish it shows the symbol icon in the RB that same Isometric view.

    That really helps to be able to quickly select the symbol I am looking for (Otherwise I was just getting all top/plan view, so tables, refrigerators, bookshelves, etc. all just look the same...a bunch of rectangles).


  6. Thanks Pat...

    How about this one:

    I would like to have a script that will turn invisible the entire class of a selected object.

    For Example: Say I click on a chair, I'd like to be able to quickly turn off the Furniture-main class (including the chair itself that is assigned to that class), without having to go find that class in the Navigation Palette to do so. Kind of like how right-clicking an object we have the option to "Activate Class," I want a button to "Make Class Invisible."

  7. Some objects are built with thousands, if not millions of very small parts. I have found this with a lot of the furniture symbols that come with VWks. Definitely suggest using a furniture class. Light objects and textures with reflectivities, transparancies, etc. will also slow it down.

    Turning of the class with those objects will help, or if you don't need such detailed objects try using simpler ones that will render faster.

    Also try just using OpenGL rendering for your general work. It is the fastest.

    Then when you are doing fancier rendering use some of the more intensive options knowing that it will take longer.

  8. Import the DWG into a new blank file. Save it.

    Then in a separate file (you actual desired file you are working in and want to show that DWG info):

    Create a referenced Viewport selecting that DWG import file as the source. This is great because it doesn't bring all of those classes into your file, keeping your class list nice and clean, but you can still adjust the visibility of the original DWG classes by selecting that reference VP and using the Object Info Palette.

  9. You should use it as a texture, not an image fill.

    If you post your signature info with the system and version of VW you are using that will help.

    There are some different ways to do this. You can use Styled Walls...or you will find that there are already Wall Styles set up with CMU textures. Click the wall tool, then from the drop-down list found on the upper left of the drawing window select the wall style you want.

    TO do it manually:

    You can create a texture in the Resource Browser, under

    Resources, select Create New Resource, Renderworks Texture,

    then under Color select Filtered Image, OK. You can mess

    with the other settings later.

    Select the wall, Click the Render tab of the Object Info Pallet to apply the texture to the wall.

  10. Another good option that I like for using on sheet layers is to:

    -On the sheet layer

    -Create a rectangle and send it back behind your viewport.

    -Then use and image fill on the rectangle.

    -If you already have a renderworks background made using the image you want to use, you can in the resource browser Create New Image->Reuse an Image From Another Resource.

    -Then use the Image Fill options to manipulate the size and placement of the image. You can also use the Attribute Mapping tool to quickly adjust it how you like. picture24xq3.png

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