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propstuff at MJLA

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Posts posted by propstuff at MJLA

  1. Sometimes it's easiest just to edit the 2d contour curve rather than messing with the

    underlying 3d issues.

    I don't know how you'd do that. The 2D contours are generated by the 3D model and are not "editable" AFAIK.

    Or do you mean convert a copy to polys and edit that?

    try separating the pads by a small amount,

    even as small as 25mm or 1", and update the

    DTM.it usually does the trick...

    I tried your suggestion, and it made it worse, then I fiddled around some more; backwards and forwards, and eventually it dispalyed properly.... :-/

    Gone as far as placing tight 3D loci to try to force the contours to cooperate.

    This is what I've done in the past, but I'd like a better way of doing it.



  2. I'm having a bit of trouble getting contours to display cleanly.

    In the attached example the "circular" Pad is at +13200, the "rectangular" pad with the slope applied is also at +13200 and the corner of the 2 Pads are snapped to each other. The blue 'cross' Stakes at +13000 are DTM modifiers controlling the contours, and the black triangles are just indicators.

    As you can see; the +13200 (light grey) contour is doing a little Watusi-dance around the meeting of the flat and the sloped +13200 pads.

    This sort of little glitch is not unusual and is not normally a problem, but in this case the display of the contours is important.

    Any ideas how to force the DTM to display cleanly (aside from using lots and lots of stakes)

    Is there such a thing as a "Stake Line" -rather than a point?


  3. I tried this and got different results.

    Circle 600?, concentric circle 300?

    Extrude 600 circle to 1000, 300 circle to 1200

    Subtract inner extrude from outer

    Resulting cylinder reads in the OIP as 599.07924 instead of 600.

    Same procedure with 1000? and 500? circles

    Result reads as exactly 1000


  4. On the G5> Try > Preferences > Sharing > toggle > Share Internet Connection

    I looked at that....., but the message that comes up when that option is selected suggest that if I continue, the computer will explode, our Service providers system will be corrupted, the entire internet will collapse, and the sky will fall.

    (I don't remember the message exactly; it may not have been exactly that bad, but the tone was "do you really want to do this??" )

    I didn't.

    Any further thoughts anyone??


  5. Thanks Franklin,

    The ideal file would be a complete domestic dwelling with all the usual details, but setup in a "useable" way (IE no xrefs and with understandable layer names). It would also have to be legal for us to use the file.

    I'm in Australia, so Dutch would be less usefull than english ;-)

    Your symbols look nice. I'll show them to the students next session.

    I'll email you



  6. Since the new forum has been instituted I have been unable to post to it on my Mac at home.

    I get this message:

    "The host from which you are accessing the board is not recognized as a valid host. This is more than likely related to a firewall issue that is blocking the referer variable. Check your firewall settings and try again."

    I use Intego NetBarrierX3, and I've been through the various settings turning things on and off, but I can't get it to work. For a start I don't know what a "referer variable" is or what it would look like.

    Can anyone give some advice on what bits of the firewall need to be set to what?


  7. Back at the office now.

    Thanks all for the help.

    I selected all the blocks (Title and Northpoint) in the Paperspace and after purging the file all worked fine.

    Perhaps it would be a good idea for NNA to produce a "Tip sheet" for

    a/ specifying to ACad users how best to send the files to us,

    b/ dealing with common/potential glitches like this one


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