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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Posts posted by klinzey

  1. The next update would be 12.0.x (I can't say when it will be ready)We felt that it was a critical overiste not to alow the user control over the brightness of the light on a per lighting device basis.

    For now edit the instrument symbol and place a VW light inside of the symbol. Set the beam and field angle. Set the brightness, (and the lit fog option if you wish), and any other options. Turn the light off and exit the symbol.

    When you insert this symbol as a lighting device, the lighting device will aim the light and turn it on and off.

  2. I basically do the same thing. I'll draft the plot with the boom layed out so I can see the information on the plot. Place this boom in class A. Create a second boom drawn correctly in 3D and place it in Class B. I tune off Class A or B depending on what I want to see.

    Sometimes I'll insert just a 3D symbol, other times I'll create a special instrument symbol or position so I know not to count these extra instruments.

  3. With the next update you will have the ability to set the intensity of the light.

    If you want to control the light intensity and lit fog option, of a spific instrument symbol, let me know. There is a workarround that will allow you to do that till the update is released.

    For now adding shutters etc needs to be done manually by placing a 3D poly in front of the light to block part of it.

  4. Yes and No. You can't set a level of fog on a light, but the fog is applied layer by layer. If you put the lights on different layers they could have different fog densities. I haven't tried this yet, so if you try it before I do let me know how it works.

  5. None of this makes any sense. Is the information on the OIP updating, but not the info on the drawing? If this is the case run the refresh instruments command to force the screen to redraw.

    Contact tech support and send them the file you are having a problem with. Once an instrument is duplicated it becomes a new instrument. It as no association or knowledge about the instrument it was duplicated from once the copy is made.

  6. The Undo bug has been fixed for the next update. In the mena time if you cause the instruments to update by changing a parameter or running the refresh instruments command, the instruments will return to normal.

    Please submit a sample of the crashing file to bugsumbit@nemetschek.net and we will take a look at it.

  7. Make sure you have adjust fliped text turned on in the Vectorworks Prefrences. If your labels are moving from the right side to the left side of the instrument when they are mirrored, this is the corect behavior, butcase the instruments have been rotated 180deg when they are mirrored.

    There is currently no official report of this problem in the bug tracking system. If this does not solve your problem you can submit a file and a description of your problem to bugsumbit@nemetschek.net

  8. Depending on how many labels you are using in the label legend you can put both sets of labels on the instrument and use the class visability of the VP to determine which labels are shown.

  9. Yes, it's a bug and will be fixed in the next release. (Don't even bother to ask when that is; I can't tell you.) It will fix itself if you change a parameter or run the Refresh Instruments command.

    [ 01-22-2006, 07:16 PM: Message edited by: klinzey ]

  10. Add the field "Alt-Unit " and sort Alt-Unit rather then unit number. The Alt-Unit field has been paded with a space to make it sort corectly. The paperwork command does this automatically, but Alt-Unit is a read only field so if you cange it, it will not update the Unit number.

  11. Since you have v12 you are in luck. There is a new parameter in the lighting device named "Gobo Shift" theis will move the Gobo ever so silghtly to eliminate the the light spill.

    Otherwise you need to adjust the texture size and re-center the texture. The image area of the texture needs to be exactly 2".

  12. Check the "Draw 3D Only" obx in the OIP. This will make the object 3D only and then you can rotate it with the 3D rorate tool. If you want to use it to apear in 2D as a lighting position object, you will have to make a symbol out of it after you ratate it and manually draw a 2D representation.

  13. The instruments do not automatically stay atatched to their positions, you have to move them manually. They will default to the height of the lighting position they are placed on.

    When you make your lighting position, create the geometry at Z=0. When you convert the geometry to a lighting position object, set the Z height of the lighting position object.

    As for the underhung and overhung lights, you will need to make a duplicate symbol. Take your existing symbol, duplicate it, edit the 3D part of the symbol, then in a side view rotate it 180 and re-align the insertion point.

  14. Rob,

    This is something Steve is going to have to fix for his V12 release.

    You need apply a non-shadow casting texture to all the geometry in the light. You can apply the "Default Instrument" texture found in the Spotlight object libaries. You will have to edit each 3D portion of the symbol and apply the texture.

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