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Posts posted by marek.dk

  1. I don?t get why a symbol has a class attribute. Isn?t it sufficient that the content of the symbol had the neccesary class attributes?

    The problem is that if a symbol is placed on a class that is hided, none of the content will show even though their classes are shown.

    I experience that symbols often places in arbitrary classes in quick drawing processes. And even if I think about it carefully I am generally in doubt about in which classes to put the symbols.

    It causes so much chaos in my drawings that the symbols get placed in classes. How are people managing the insertion class of a symbol.

    Now I was thinking about having all symbols in one class. So that I allways can have that shown. So I can show and hide the other classes.

    By the way is there any possibility to select more than one symbol inserted in walls at a time? I haven?t found a way and I would be so thankfull if somebody could tell me how.

    best regards

  2. if you are on mac, I find the most reliable way to produce a pdf is to save as .ps (postscript) from the print dialog box. then opening in preview will automatically convert it to a pdf that is 100 percent identical with what you would print from vw.

    I wonder why the export to pdf or the save as pdf from the print dialog box doesn?t work properly. I hope it will be fixed soon.

  3. vectorbits.com has a center-page-on-rectangle plug-in for free. Most of the times it is working well.

    dubble-click on the move page tool is centering the page on 0/0 coordinates. If you draw close to the zero point the page should stay in reach even though you are changing scale.

    If you save a view, you can choose just to save the page location. that can also be useful when switching in scale.

    best regards

  4. hello, i am totally new to scripts, and I hope somebody can help me.

    we are drawing in vw 12 but exchanging drawings in dwg format. so everyday there is need to translate the consultants files to mcd and ours to dwg.

    it would be nice to automate that repetitive work.


    1. new file from template

    2. import from dwg#1

    3. save as mcd

    4. repeat with dwg#2 and so on until end of dwg-folders content


    1: open mcd#1

    2: set saved view "export to dwg"

    3: export to dwg

    4 repeat with mcd#2 and so on until end of folders contend

    has anyone a script like this or does know how to write it.

    best regards

  5. hello,

    all our powerbooks got stolen and we had to buy new macbookspro.

    vw 12 export to .dwg is not working properly on intel-macs. and for us that is a catastrophy because that?s our exchange format.

    please, release a version where that is fixed. We are waiting every day.

    best regards marek

  6. hello,

    we also get that message "plug-in folder (renderworks camera) missing" everytime we are editing our workspaces. Also on new machines.

    And we have never used that plugin. we are using architect. I don?t know where that message is coming from...

    best regards marek

  7. yes, but the export-import is the clue. else you get the diagonals anyway.

    does anybody have an idea about how to write a script that exports to .dwg and later import it back to .mcd?

    I need also a script for exporting all my .mcd files to .dwg once in a while in order to easily exchange information with my consultans. Does anybody know how to do?

    best regards :marek

  8. yes christiaan, you are right.

    mike?s comment showed a possible way to go. I export a drawing without fills to dwg and then import it back to vectorworks. all walls are nicely converted to lines.

    another typical vectorworks work-around smile.gif

    thank you all for your help :marek

  9. ok,

    I mean the problem is more general.

    your suggestions are about how to handle specifically the dimensioning issue. and they seem to me not be an optimal way.

    In the programme microstation for every reference (layer) you can control all classes. And that is a perfect and effective tool to work with referencing.

    erics suggestion with a class control in a layerlinks oip could do it. so please, vectorworks-people, arrange that.

    thanks, marek

  10. i personally like to work with the wall tools.

    it is not my wish to work that simple way but it seems necessary, since there is still so many problems with the object based drawings for so many people. even in this forum many questions doesn?t get answered very satisfying.

    it is a bug that you can not bring down joined walls to simple lines. and i wish this becomes possible in future.

    best regards marek

  11. I think it should be possible to bring the visible drawing information down to a more simple level. generally. It is possible in order to print, the visible appearance of walls, hatches and so on gets breaked down to simple lines, why not within vectorworks?

    I am a quiet experienced and know how to handle the object-based drawing methods in vw, it is not always working very intuitive and you have to know many work-arounds.

    on a big project with many architects and engineers working on it we need to be able to bring the drawing-object-complexity down to a level that everybody can work on. such as lines, polygons and so on.

    best regards marek

  12. hello,

    i can not figure out to convert simple joined walls to lines without showing the diagonal in the joint.

    i really would like to know how to do that, because drawing with the wall tool is fast but when I communicate with ingeneers and others we need to be able to have them as lines.

    best regards marek

  13. help,

    we use building standard names for the classes. so we have the same class names in all drawings.

    when we are referencing drawings into each other, we are often in a situation where we for example don?t want see the dimension class in the referenced layer, but we want to see it in the files layer.

    is there a possibility to control the class visibility in the references seperately from the other layers?

    We really need this function. It would be a bug to name classes differently in the different drawings.

    thankful for any good ideas how to handle this. I hope there is good way to manage this.

    best regards marek

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