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Everything posted by luiso

  1. luiso


    SetLayerOptions(5); DSelectAll; Only deselect the objects in active layer. How to deselec ALL selected objets in ALL layers. Thank you.
  2. Thank you very much Rick: If I can advance - thanks for your instructions- I will say you it to you know. You have been very amiable and very didactic.
  3. Good morning: In the VW_Help (Dialogs) we have two basic dialog levels (BASIC DIALOG & BASIC DIALOG+CONTROLS)but both procedures display the same dialog (without controls). This are the procedures. Where is/are the errors? Thank you. {BASIC DIALOG} procedure CreateDialog_BD; VAR id: LONGINT; result : LONGINT; BEGIN id := CreateLayout('Revise Layer Link', TRUE, 'Update', 'Cancel'); result := RunLayoutDialog(id,NIL); END; RUN(CreateDialog_BD); {BASIC DIALOG + CONTROLS} procedure CreateDialog_BDC; VAR id: LONGINT; result : LONGINT; BEGIN id := CreateLayout('Revise Layer Link',TRUE,'Update', 'Cancel'); CreateStaticText(id,4,'Relink to:',-1); CreatePulldownMenu(id,5,32); CreateGroupBox(id,6,'Link Options',TRUE); CreateCheckBox(id,7,'Link object is locked'); CreateCheckBox(id,8,'Name Link:'); CreateEditText(id,9,'Untitled Link',26); result := RunLayoutDialog(id,NIL); END; RUN(CreateDialog_BDC);
  4. Thanks to Rick Francken (VectorWorks User) I have solved my problem. The manual of VW aid contains an error and you have not paid attention to my request. He would have to review his protocol of answer. Thanks.
  5. Thank you very much: "NULL" was the problem. You have been very kind. The procedure are running.
  6. Sorry (also for my bad english): The examples (dialog) are very dificult for me. I need understand why the procedure CreateDialog in the VectorWorkHelp don't run: procedure CreateDialog; VAR id: LONGINT; result : LONGINT; BEGIN id := CreateLayout('Revise Layer Link', TRUE, 'Update', 'Cancel'); result := RunLayoutDialog(id,NULL); END; RUN(CreateDialog); Thank You.
  7. RunLayoutDialog(dialogID: LONGINT; callback:PROCEDURE):LONGINT; The procedure put NULL in the place of callback and no run. Thank you.
  8. Your answer is that we have a reference book? I think that the example have problems. ?can you help me?
  9. I copy-paste the example in a new document and no run.
  10. Sorry (My English is very bad). In VW_Help we have an example that have problems. Procedure CreateDialog no run.(CreateLayout,RunLayoutDialog) Thank you.
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