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Everything posted by alex_angusandmack

  1. Ah fair enough. Means one more click to get to a frequently used feature but it's probably high-time I set up a keyboard shortcut for it anyways. Would be amazing if we could actually re-organise the bar ourselves, dragging and dropping buttons etc.
  2. I appreciate the effort put in the updated graphics but am wondering if it would be possible to improve the legibility of setting toggle-buttons. Options that are toggled on in the view-bar are virtually unreadable on Windows. See "Auto Join Walls" button below: I, for one, can't distinguish the icon unless I highlight it by hovering the cursor over. On a side-note the "Look At Working Plane" button has been removed from the top bar though, oddly, the "Align Working Plane [...]" one has been retained. Please tell me I'm not the only one annoyed by this?
  3. Hi Pat, Thank you for the tip and apologies for the late reply. I see how that would work in some scenarios but perhaps not the one I'm in: The record is being updated manually not via a script. If you manually change a record field from the OIP this does not seem to force a reset of the parent plug-in-object. This is the functionality I was aiming for: Essentially using record fields as data-entry boxes for a plug-in-object rather than having to add more editable parameters to the object definition. Might be the functionality is just not supported by the API?
  4. Hi folks, Does anyone know of a way to force update a PIO when a field is changed in an attached record?
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