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Everything posted by phuckel

  1. Thank you MichaelK - I understood the operation of the handles and the need to use FSActLayer command to manipulate the selected objects. After I added the HWidth(h) command inside the Offset calculation, everything worked perfectly with any 2D or 3D shape so I will not need to use the GetBBox command but thank you for suggesting it. One day I may even learn to create a more-complex dialog box that allow multiple entries (no. of duplicates, horizontal offset and vertical offset). Thanks again for all of your advice and suggestions - I truly appreciate them.
  2. Thank you very much MichaelK for your script - I sincerely appreciate how quickly you created it. It was almost perfect - The width of the last duplicate exceeded the overall length by its width so I used HWidth(h) in the calculation of the offset distance to make it work perfectly. eg. hh := HDuplicate(h,(dlength - HWidth(h))/(Num)*I,0); Thank you again for providing the script so quickly - you're a wiz!
  3. Hello, I have just started using Vectorscript and I would like to create a Dialog Box to enter a specific length (:real that is positive to go in 1 direction or negative go in the other direction) and the number of duplicates (:integer) so that only the selected 2D or 3D object (eg. fence picket) is duplicated with identical spacing between each duplicate within the specific length (eg. pickets along a fence line). I would sincerely appreciate any help in completing this script - thank you. eg. Procedure Duplicate_By_Length; Var Num: Integer; {No. of duplicates} dLength: Real; (Set overall distance for all duplicates to span} dOffset: Real; {Offset from previous duplicate} Height1, Width1, Depth1: Real {Dimensions for selected object in 2D or 3D so assume Width1 is the width that will alter the offset} Begin "Show Dialog box to ask for Number of Duplicates and the Overall Length that store the values in Num and dLength" {I do not know how to do this} For Duplicates: 1 to Num DO BEGIN "Create Duplicate" {I do not know how to do this} dOffset:= dLength/((Num - 1)*Width1); "Create Duplicate at the specified offset (dOffset) from the previous duplicate" {I do not know how to do this} END End Run(Duplicate_By_Length); Thank you to anyone who can provide the necessary scripting commands to complete this script.
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