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Posts posted by TaylorK

  1. Hi All,


    Im trying to create a calculated field in a worksheet that will display a Door Prefix,Label, & Suffix in one line.





    But unfortunately it s eems the field in the report isn't calculating rather just displaying the formula. Is there something wrong with my syntax?  I was able to do something similar in a data tag for the doors. I understand a work around would be to make separate columns for each field but I would love to be able to do this for simpliciy sake. 



  2. Hi All,


    Wanted to piggyback on this thread as it seemed related. Is anyone else running into significant performance issues when trying to use data tags in section viewport annotation space? Mearly clicking the data tag tool causes a hang-up of a min +, and every view pan / click hangs up again.


    Im on VW 2021 / Mac OS 12.6.1


    Are there any solutions to this? The dificultly with this in my opinion makes all tagging in section viewports not worth the time.... 



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