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Posts posted by jfmarch

  1. The new "create seating layout" tool is a very nice feature, although very slow. My question is when a new layout is created a worksheet is created which, I presume, will give a seat count. But the seating layout record referenced is not put in the file, and the worksheet doesn't calculate. Anyone know what to do/happening?


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  2. The following are items we've found in upgrade 9 that we wish could be addressed:

    1. The off screen scrolling is very sensitive. The cursor needs to be on the ruler or 1/16" near the window in order for the screen to automatically move.

    2. The text edit/create tool requires zooming in to operate. If you're at 100% a warning alert appears.

    3. What happened to the door head/class for door objects? It used to be "ceiling-main".

    4. An odd thing happens when we first open a worksheet. If a row/column is selected to be deleted or added, the class names appear in the sub-window.

    5. What is the deal with updated VW8 files to VA9 with workgroup references? Why is there an alert warning appear every time we attach a workgroup reference to a target file that says something like "a new class name must be created"? This is a puzzle and a pain.

    6. The saved views we have set up usually take some time to generate when in a file. Why is it so slow now to change a go to a saved view?

    7. When looking at a rendered model, the rendering capability in GL is not interactive when rotating the model in 3D. I miss quicktime...

    any responses will be appreciated.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  3. Wall break info- Instead of breaking the wall to make an opening, use the door object tool. Using the object pallette, change the door to a cased opening without trim or jambs. That way you can give a height to the opening very easily.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  4. Tom_K, I can't fidure out if you are pulling our legs, or if this is a serious question. I'll assume its genuine, and that you have limited experience with VW. When drawings are connected in a file, we are using whats called layer links. There are many possibilities with the tool, one can have a sheet with plans, elevations, model and sections of the building on it. They are all hot linked, meaning that a change to one is updated to all. Change the plan, and the sections/elevations/model is automatically updated. But the sections/elevations are simply model views, they generally need to be fiddled with to appear as true orthogonal drawings. I usually "convert copy to lines" a view of the model, paste it on the elevation sheet, and trace over it to create a rael elevation (tones, line weights, etc.)

    As for your 15 story building, no one would draw each floor if they are duplicated (a typical skyscraper), therfore you would have to fudge a model view with multiple layers for each floor layer linked to the model layer. The CD drawings would use only those floor layers required, unless you're into "blob" design and each floor is different. As I said, if your teasing with your questions this is all wasted. If not I hope I added to the discussion.

  5. Tom_K, I can't fidure out if you are pulling our legs, or if this is a serious question. I'll assume its genuine, and that you have limited experience with VW. When drawings are connected in a file, we are using whats called layer links. There are many possibilities with the tool, one can have a sheet with plans, elevations, model and sections of the building on it. They are all hot linked, meaning that a change to one is updated to all. Change the plan, and the sections/elevations/model is automatically updated. But the sections/elevations are simply model views, they generally need to be fiddled with to appear as true orthogonal drawings. I usually "convert copy to lines" a view of the model, paste it on the elevation sheet, and trace over it to create a rael elevation (tones, line weights, etc.)

    As for your 15 story building, no one would draw each floor if they are duplicated (a typical skyscraper), therfore you would have to fudge a model view with multiple layers for each floor layer linked to the model layer. The CD drawings would use only those floor layers required, unless you're into "blob" design and each floor is different. As I said, if your teasing with your questions this is all wasted. If not I hope I added to the discussion.

  6. Simple answers here, I think: The print area can be changed at any time before you print, so if you enter 11x17 here its ok. Your printer should have this size already, so you can change it later in page setup. The grid, I think, is a visual reference that allows you to see the drawing limits easier. I usually put it at 48" or 96", depending on the scale of the drawing. The "snap to" grid I usually leave at 1", but you can change this at any time to reflect your module. The floor elevations setup is for modelling. It sets the heights of wall within the layer. The ceiling height is just as you would imagine- the height of the ceiling on that level. If your house has an 8' ceiling, you enter 8'. If you review the manual, it helps alot with the basics. Good luck.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  7. The following are items we've found in upgrade 9 that we wish could be addressed:

    1. The off screen scrolling is very sensitive. The cursor needs to be on the ruler or 1/16" near the window in order for the screen to automatically move.

    2. The text edit/create tool requires zooming in to operate. If you're at 100% a warning alert appears.

    3. What happened to the door head/class for door objects? It used to be "ceiling-main".

    4. An odd thing happens when we first open a worksheet. If a row/column is selected to be deleted or added, the class names appear in the sub-window.

    5. Why is there an alert warning appear every time we attach a workgroup reference to a target file that says something like "a new class name must be created"? This is a puzzle and a pain.

    6. The saved views we have set up usually take some time to generate when in a file. Why is it so slow now to change a go to a saved view?

    7. When looking at a rendered model, the rendering capability in GL is not interactive when rotating the model in 3D. I miss quicktime...

    any response will be appreciated.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  8. The following are items we've found in upgrade 9 that we wish could be addressed:

    1. The off screen scrolling is very sensitive. The cursor needs to be on the ruler or 1/16" near the window in order for the screen to automatically move.

    2. The text edit/create tool requires zooming in to operate. If you're at 100% a warning alert appears.

    3. What happened to the door head/class for door objects? It used to be "ceiling-main".

    4. An odd thing happens when we first open a worksheet. If a row/column is selected to be deleted or added, the class names appear in the sub-window.

    5. Why is there an alert warning appear every time we attach a workgroup reference to a target file that says something like "a new class name must be created"? This is a puzzle and a pain.

    6. The saved views we have set up usually take some time to generate when in a file. Why is it so slow now to change a go to a saved view?

    7. When looking at a rendered model, the rendering capability in GL is not interactive when rotating the model in 3D. I miss quicktime...

    any response will be appreciated.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  9. I beleive this is a VW default. What I do is after inserting a stair object, I flip to 3D mode to see it's configuration. If its wrong, I simply move it down with the 3D move dialog box. The arrows don't control the stair layout, they are simply graphics. In this way, when you cut a section, the stair will be in the right place. Hope this helps.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  10. The straight plug in door tool creates and object with 3 classes (I beleive). "Door-main", "Ceiling- main", & "Sills". What you can do is edit your preset view to grey or turn off the door-main class, and turn on the ceiling-main class. This should get you where you want. I personally like to see the door swings, especially when you are showing light fixture switching. Thats why I gret out that class. Hope this helps


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  11. Youn can do this by exporting the VW file as a DWG format, and then opening that in Autocad.

    But why? VW is a terrific application for creating production drawings. Plus, if ther are changes made to the design during production, its so easy to view the changes in 3D by modelling. The strength of VW lies in its ability to be used as a complete CAD system- stick with VW and abandon ACAD.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  12. Wish list item- When one runs the script creating scheules, the database worksheet run to the bottom row in the worksheet, leaving no room for notes. If I want to add notes or an abbreviation legend, I have to insert a row to the worksheet which interrupts the database. It takes a little doing to set it straight. It would be nice to allow for a couple extra blank roows at the bottom for user use.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  13. Blank classes also worry me, they sometimes indicate a corrupt file. Try the purge command for classes. You may have to do it a couple times. If that doesn't work, the file may be corrupted. You may have to import from scratch again.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  14. Your question is ambiguous. If you mean stop the wall command in mid use, I don't think so. Any wall(s) that have been drawn by accident can be undo'd (command Z), or deleted. Is that what you mean by the "middle" of the wall command?


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  15. Since it sounds like this is a recurring (standard?) door configuration, perhaps you should try making a symbol for each multiple wall type. In that way, you would have a clean 2D graphic and you could insert the correct door type in the symbol for the particular project. My idea isn't that smart, especially if you want 3D viewing capabilities- you'de have to muck around with the walls to make it look right. Does this help?


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  16. Adobe has a flaw with it's PDF writer- it cannot resolve rotated type, amongst other things. We have found a third party PDF writer that works quite well with VW. Its called PrintToPDF, and its available as a download (I think JWwalker.com). Its easy to install and use. Try it. Hope this helps.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  17. Thanks for the info, I lookforward to the new release. In the meantime I have noticed that is the 3D buttons are turned off for each object in the referenced file, it remones the extrude in the target file. It takes some going back and forth, but seems to work (if you are not doing modelling).


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  18. You have to enter the data for you schedules. This is where you add the info for your objects. What I do is the insert a door object, make it a symbol, add datat to the record format, and insert the symbol as required. That way you only enter the door info once.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  19. A wish list item: It would make the metes & bounds tool a nicer feature if as you enter the property line dimensions, they were automatically added to the drawing. Now you have to manually add the data to the boundry lines and rotate the type accordingly


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

  20. If you are working in a file that has workgroup references attached to it, DO NOT save that file with any arrows on in the attribute palette. When you open that file again, all the workgroup reference doors will have arrows on all the linework. It is time consuming to undo.


    Jim McAuliffe, RA

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