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  1. Thanks Jesse & Aheininen, I got it working!
  2. I want to use a light fixture that's strictly eye candy (Specifically the Elation Pixel Bar 40) and I'm trying to apply a glow texture to the lens. But when insert using the Lighting Device tool, there's no option to edit the 3D components. If I add it as a 2D/3D hybrid symbol (drag & drop from the resource manager), then I can edit 2D or 3D components but then it doesn't actually act like a light fixture. Any ideas? Using VW Spotlight 2021.
  3. Thank you Justin, that's exactly what I'm looking for!
  4. Newbie question here. The Elation Pixel Bar lights are a "direct view" kinda light, more like decor... is there an easy way to have the render show the light glowing instead of light projecting onto other surfaces? If it's not an easy answer, where should I start digging to learn? I'm entirely self taught. Thanks!
  5. Hey everyone, this might be a newbie question but every time I add lighting fixtures, my projection screens go dark like everything else in the drawing (except for what the lights are illuminating, obviously). VW 2021 Spotlight on PC, if that makes a difference.
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